
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Talk to Me Tuesday 3

Before we jump off into Talk to Me Tuesday - I want to remind everyone that you have until midnight tomorrow to get your entries in for the Your Choice Giveaway! Remember that you get an extra entry for posting about it on your own blog... so don't lose that one extra chance to win your fabulous prize!

Ok, so now we can get down to today's post. I struggled with deciding on if I wanted to post anything about this topic or not, but in the end - if I stay true to myself... then I have to be every bit as transparent as I always have been.

Of course, nothing goes without risks - but we've been notified of the possiblity of another baby. The situation is totally different, but has it's own unique challenges. The birth mom chose us because we have no other children, and is due in the later part of April. There are some legal issues and things that are being worked through with the birth father, but we are all praying that this works out for the best interests of everyone involved.

We would appreciate each of you joining us in praying that the final few weeks of the pregnancy will bring no surprises. That our birth mom will have a healthy delivery, and a peace about her decision. We want the baby to be safe and healthy through all of that as well. Additionally, we pray that the birth father will realize that he might not be acting in the best interests of himself or the baby at this time...and that he will have a peace about the situation as well.

In addition, we ask that you please keep John and I in your prayers. As with the last time, there are still hurdles that will have to be overcome. It is possible for this child to come into our home only to have him taken away if a judge choose to grant the birth father custody. We need each of you to pray feverishly that God will intervene in the life of this little boy and ensure that he is given the best chance at life possible. With the information that we know of the birth father, we have to believe his best chance would be with us. So that is what we are asking everyone to pray for.

So how does this fit into the Talk to Me Tuesday format? Well, I just thought that I'd give you guys the chance to sound off on what you would tell someone that might have their first baby boy come home in a few short weeks...

What things do you wish someone would have told you before hand?
What are some things that you couldn't have lived without during those first few weeks?


  1. You know you have our prayers about the situation. I'm hearing some guarded optimism from you and that's good. I think you may have struck a little better balance between the reality and emotion of adopting a baby and I hope and pray that the next few weeks bring YOU peace as well.

    You & John are covered in prayer. :)

  2. Wow, so scary and exciting at the same time. I am going to be thinking of you guys and praying that this is your time. I hope it is, you both SO deserve it!!! XOXO

  3. I'm praying for you both and the birth parents.

    As for little bitty boys, they have their own built in hose and when you change a diaper, the hose needs to be pointed away from you. I hope you get my meaning.

  4. My prayers are with you and I am WILLING good things to you and your husband.

    As for advice, there is sooo much I could tell you (having 2 boys of my own) but the most helpful thing I can probably say, is that no one expects you to know EVERYTHING. :) I always thought that'd I'd just know and things would come naturally. LOL. Newborns change your life totally and sometimes, until you get into your own groove and find your own routine, things can be awkward. I used to bawl when I couldn't make one of my babies stop crying, thinking I was doing something wrong. But I wasn't. Anyway, my advice is, always be willing to give yourself a break, take a deep breath, and know that every mom (birth or adoptive) has been there. :)

  5. oh my, how exciting yet scary. Praying for you guys and the baby.

  6. Thanks for the comment on my wall. My parents do the Dave Ramsey thing and I think it is wonderful. Thanks for the advice!

  7. my prayers are with you, and i look forward to reading all about your adventures (wonderful i hope)best of luck xx

  8. I am so glad you have decided to share this. Even though your last try ended in heartache I hope you feel better sharing this time. It's hard not to be emotionally involved when you get a call that you have been chosen. Praying for you and John. About the boy wow be prepared because boys are boys. Preston is a jumper, screamer, climber, thrower but loves his momma and always wants ME!

  9. always hoping and praying that this works.

  10. Hands clasped, prayers said...

  11. Kim, I'm going to pray, pray, pray!!! Also, forget getting rid of your nails. If you are blessed with having a baby, then you just might need those nails to feel beautiful. I can't tell you how gross I felt the first year of Ethan's life since I went everywhere smelling like spit-up!

  12. Congratulations Kim! Wow, skip blog reading for a few days and miss out on all the news! I'm praying for you, John, the baby, and the baby's parents.


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