
Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Favorites 2


Today's Favorite is my friend Pam. We used to work together at my last job, and she certainly kept me entertained. As you'll see - she has an incredible whit, and will have you in stitches in no time! The adventures of her two kids and the rest of her family are often hysterical... I mean you just can't make that stuff up! 

About Me
Hi, I’m Pammer, and I can’t believe Kim has asked me to do this.  She clearly needs some sleep.

I am an old soul in high heels. I am a recovering IT consultant and sales executive and right now I’m just happy to be here.

In what could only have been a drunken moment, I decided to chuck my previously lucrative career to work in the world of philanthropy – where I met Kim. I wasn't really a fundraiser, I just played one on TV -- and I made 40% of my previous salary. I was clearly a moron.
A moron with great jewelry.

I graduated from the University of Missouri in 1992 (go Tigers) with a degree in Communications. I also have two post-graduate degrees. That means that I am educated on much, but qualified for nothing.

I have pulled things in my career that HR people just marvel at and I was happy to admit that if someone told me I could quit tomorrow I'd walk out grinning like the Cheshire cat.

I love cheesecake, magazines, etsy, raunchy comedy, great finds at ridiculous prices and my insanely powered blow drier because I have the most difficult hair in the world. Oh, and I’m an internet ninja and a bit of an accessories whore.

My family includes my husband and three daughters (ages 29, 22 and 8), son (3) and son-in-law (29), and grandbaby (newly born) and once upon a time the most high-strung dog ever to walk the earth.

And just a warning, I have a potty mouth.
What you like to write about
My blog is full of the ridiculous things that happen to me on any given day.  There are moments of clarity  – some tears – and a healthy dose of humor if I’ve done my job right.  I started writing just to see if I could, garnered some very hilarious followers and commenters then stopped writing for about a year.  Because that makes sense, right?  I’m back at it again, getting my writing legs back and adding a few new features to my little purple piece of the internet.  So, here’s your party invite.  Pull up a barstool – your waitress will be around shortly to take your order. 

There you have it... seriously, go check her out!

If you'd like to be one of my Friday Favorites...

Your post should include:
* Tell us how you found this little corner of the internet (aka Thoughts by Kim)

* Tell us a little about yourself
* What you like to write about
* A funny tidbit
* Just generally tell us about your blog and why we should read it
* Make sure to include a link to your blog

Email the post to me (you can find my email by clicking through the "About Me" section to the link that says view my complete profile) and I'll post them on a first come first serve basis every Friday until I run out of posts. All are welcome - so please post this on your blogs as well... grab the picture and let others know about it, because the more the merrier...

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, everyone needs someone like Pam where they work! I love her sense of humor and get a really good sense of it just in that short piece. Pam....I'm coming over! I'll take a Shirley Temple, with an extra cherry please!


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