
Friday, February 19, 2010

Dear Friends

It is with a sad heart that I write to tell you all that for the time being our birth mother has changed her mind.  Apparently the birth father showed up at the hospital this morning and convinced her to keep the baby.  Our agency will try to speak with her again, but she is not wanting to talk to them right now.  Things of this nature do happen with adoptions and sometimes birthmom's change their minds several times.  We know that God's will ultimately is what we want for our lives, so while this is certainly sad and devastating news, we will put our faith and our comfort in Him.  He knows what is best for us and He will carry us through these tough times.  I am sure you will all understand, but I don't think that Kim is in a place where she wants to have to discuss this with everyone at this time, but we would very much appreciate your prayers.  We love you all and please don't take this to mean that Kim doesn't want to hear from you - it's just too difficult to discuss this part of our lives with everyone at this time.  Thanks so much for being there and when we have more news to share, we will do so.

God Bless!



  1. Oh Kim, I'm so sorry. You all will definitely be in my prayers.

    <3 Bon

  2. I am keeping y'all in my prayers.

  3. So sorry to hear this, we'll pray for sure...let us know if there is anything else we can do for you guys in the meantime.

    Lots of love to you. I know your hearts will mend with time.

  4. John thanks sooo much for the update! Sorry to hear this news! It heart breaks for you two! Tell Kim she is in my thoughts and prayers! God does have a plan even if we don't know what it is yet! I hope and pray that you guys will be bringing that precious bundle home!

    Summer :0)

  5. Thank you, John, for keeping us posted and for loving on Kim right now! Send her our hugs! :) As always, you two are in our prayers.

  6. so sorry to hear the news, I will for sure be keeping you in my prayers.

  7. Oh Kim and John,
    My heart is breaking for you. Keep your strong faith and let it guide you. I am praying for healing. Please let us know if you need anything.

  8. Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize you had been matched with a birth mother yet. Praying for y'all...

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
    Proverbs 3:5-6

  9. i love you so much. i am here for you. i am here - ok?

    been praying since this am.

  10. Oh guys, we are so so sorry to hear this. If there is anything we can do please do not hesitate to ask! Thank you, John, for letting us know. We will continuing praying for y'all!

    Billy and Laura

  11. So many prayers to you lovely lady... many many prayers!

  12. How heartbreaking!! I am praying for both of you!!

  13. Sorry to hear this. you will be in my prayers.

  14. I am thinking about you Kim. I love you lady. Please let me know if you need anything.

  15. john - this is my first time to your blog, found my way here through the asking of prayers from summer b...and let me just say that my thoughts and prayers are most definitely with you and your wife kim...

    and let me just say that YOUR baby is out there and like you said it is all in His husband was adopted at birth and before his adoptive parents received him they first were blessed with a baby girl, until the birth mother decided to change her mind and took her back after two weeks...when they heard word of my husband they opted for him to go to a foster family for three weeks while the mother still had her state lawed "options open" but after that they got him and through tears i write you that i am OH so very thankful they did because they were not just shaping their forever through receiving him but mine and our daughters as don't think for a second that this isn't all part of something even BETTER that He has in store for you two because when you are finally blessed with your baby you will be fulfilling His plan for you and kim and many many others as well!!!

  16. Such high hopes, such a low blow. I am so sorry.

  17. John and Kim - As you know, we went through a very simliar situation last month when our birthmom changed her mind and decided to keep her baby. We know the pain you are feeling, but also know God works all things to His glory and we are praying for you and have big hugs for you. We've been there and I know that there is little that can be said to comfort you, but know that we love you!!!

  18. I am so sorry Kim and John. My heart breaks for you both.

    Praying for you,

  19. I'm so so sorry. Your family will be in my prayers!

  20. I wish I had something comforting to say. Of course you're in my prayers.


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