
Sunday, January 24, 2010


I've been meaning to write this for a little over a week, but such is my life right now... I haven't gotten around to it until now... and maybe that is because I haven't taken my medicine for my back/neck today - which I just realized is hurting again... greeeeat!

Anyway, a very special friend of mine sent me a lovely little bundle of goodies last week - or maybe the week before - did I say that I've started to lose all track of time?!

It is a beautiful little set of reminders to keep the faith - and I so appreciate her and her friendship. You've heard me talk about Jenn before, and honestly the friendship that we've developed is nothing short of a miracle - because we are able to help each other through all sorts of trials in our lives - and I can only speak for myself... but I am a better person because I know her.

I am so excited and filled with hope that 2010 will give us at least 1 opportunity (maybe 2) to get to see each other in person and get to truly hang out with each other. That is if I can speak... hahahaha! I'm sure that with her outgoing personality - she'll have me going in a fairly short amount of time.

You wanna see what she sent? Okay!!

She also sent a very sweet note, but we'll keep that just between us... I love you girl, and from the bottom of my heart - thank you for always being there to encourage me and love me for just who I am.

I also wanted to share one of my Christmas gifts with you guys - we did some changing up of our house just before Christmas - as you all know. We used to have a fish tank in our entry way, but we took it out because we are really over the fish thing... and weren't paying as much attention to it as we did in other places we've lived.

So I asked for something to put on the wall on my wish list this year, and it is gorgeous... I love it!

This one piece totally sums up the color scheme of my whole house... the sort of rich Tuscan colors pretty much make their appearance in every room of the house.

I hope that you're all having a good weekend - we sure have! I just wish that I could make it last longer than it has... because I certainly would love (and could use - for my muscle recovery) a few more days like this!


  1. Aww was nothing, really! I'm so glad you enjoyed what I sent and that it brought you a little glimmer of happiness!

    I love you too my sweet friend and am so glad that God brought us together by the most unconventional of methods!

  2. I had that exact piece of wall art on my christmas list! It is from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Didn't get it but thats ok! Congrats on your sweet goodies!

  3. I love those plates, they are beautiful!!!


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