
Monday, January 18, 2010

Home Stretch

I am working on getting the house ready for our appointment at 3 this afternoon... mopping, vacuuming, dusting, laundry, general domestic goddessing...

We're finishing the home study appointments today - which is sort of exciting - it means that really the only things left to complete are the infant care class, infant CPR class, my physical, the dogs trip to the vet...and that's it on our check list. I have two more books to read, but ya'll... we have more things checked off on the check list than we have left to do!!

I caught a cute moment with the camera over the weekend - of John snuggling with the teddy bear we bought for the baby to have during the first 48 hours of their life... when we are all waiting to be connected and become a family...

Doesn't that just warm your heart? The only thing that could be better would be if he were lovingly holding a baby...but then my heart just might burst! 


  1. Well then, it sounds like you have one more item to add to your To Do List - and this is burst-proofing your heart, because you know the day is eminent!

  2. On the home stretch!!! We are thrilled for you guys:-)

  3. Thinking about you both!

    Your Lurking Friend,


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