
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cold Blood and Wedding Rings

Well, you're going to get two posts this week about people with their blood running cold out of fear...

For those of you that have been with me since the beginning... you might remember a story from early 2008... the one where I lost my wedding ring for several hours only to find it in the bottom of a box of plastic forks at my office. It was gone for probably 3 hours or so that I knew about... and I remember being so incredibly upset about it being gone.

What happened was that I'd lost so much weight that my ring no longer fit on my ring finger and it slipped off while I was getting a fork. From that day on, I've worn my ring on my middle finger. I should get it re-sized now, but I can't bare to not have it for a week.

So fast forward to today... you know that John has lost 145 pounds since March 2009... and can guess that his ring doesn't fit now either. I've tried to tell him to put it on his middle finger for a while now, but he hasn't done it. Can you guess what happened?

Poor guy, we were sitting here this evening - after a long day of grocery shopping, taking down the Christmas decorations, working on a couple things in the nursery, hanging new items on the walls, making chili, clipping the dog's nails, giving the dogs a bath, and cleaning their ears... oh and don't forget watching two Aggie basketball games... but I digress...

So we're sitting here relaxing, and John looks at me and asks if I can see his wedding ring on the kitchen counter. I couldn't... so we're off on a search and rescue mission all around the house trying to retrace his steps for the day. We searched everywhere we could think - even in some weird places... like food containers. Do you guys know where it was?! At the bottom of the Christmas tree box. We had to pull all of that stuff back out, but thank God we found it!

How was your Saturday?


  1. Glad you found the ring! My dad lost his while fixing the sprinkler system one time. It's still out there under the front yard... somewhere!

  2. Be without the rings for a week to get them re-sized or be without them forever because you lose them again...and this time for good!

    Hmm, seems to me I'd rather bear being without the rings for a week!

    Gees, you silly Texans! :)


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