
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Brilliance On Hold

Ya'll, I came home last Sunday from church 100% inspired to write an awesome post based on our sermon - but somehow, I didn't get to it. For the last 5 days - I've had my Dad's side of my family here at our house which means that our house of normally 2 people... became 13 people. Whew!

We had some good times though - and I got a massage for Christmas!! I got several other things, and the baby got some nifty things too... more about that later.

Did you guys know that today is a palindrome? 01022010... pretty neat, huh?! Someone much smarter than I am told me that this morning... so thanks Pammers!

Anyway - I hope that you're all having a fanastic start to the New Year... 2009 wasn't good for a lot of people close to me... so here's praying that 2010 will bring us all some peace, happiness, and our heart's desires.

So at church on Sunday - we talked about looking back at the accomplishments of 2009, and looking ahead to setting some new goals for 2010... which is our sermon for tomorrow. One challenge that our pastor gave us all was to look back at the year, whether it has been good or bad and make a list of the blessings that you have had in your life... so in that light... here is mine... better late than never, right?

  • John had weight loss surgery in March of 2009
  • John has lost 145 pounds so far in his journey
  • Our fertility treatment journey came to an end with a beautiful outcome... 
  • My relationship with Christ has become deeper than it has ever been before
  • I stepped outside of my box and did a very rewarding interview for one of our church services
  • I completed the New Testament Challenge - in 12 weeks, I read the entire New Testament
  • I've made some wonderful new friends and deepened relationships this year - I am so grateful for Danielle, Jenn, Summer, Natalie, Trace, all of my CFF family, Kristen, Becky, Bonnie, Joanna, Christy, the Heathers, Kim, Jil, Laurie, Meghan, and all of my blog readers! 
  • Ironcially - I am also grateful for Facebook... because I've connected more deeply with lots of my church family and my cousins this year...
  • We started the adoption process, and are hopefully expecting an addition to our family in 2010! 
Those are the biggest highlights that I can think of right now... I'm sure there are others, but this is what came to mind initially. This doesn't talk about my goals or "resolutions" - it's hard to set those up when you're still in the midst of the holiday shuffle... but I've got some that I'll post about soon. Maybe tomorrow, I will write about the books I've been reading, and my goals for 2010.

In the meantime, what blessings did you have in 2009? What are you most excited about for 2010?

1 comment:

  1. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!