
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Adoption Moving Forward

This has been a crazy couple of days... and I'm doing my best to get it all done, but as usual - my body is giving out on me a little bit... to be fair - I didn't sleep a wink on Sunday night, so last night was sort of a wash... even though I didn't make it to bed early, I was pretty much brain dead.

I've got some exciting stuff to tell you guys, but first - I thought I'd share a few pictures with you...

This is the newest addition to the nursery - a glider and gliding ottoman that was given to us by a former coworker of mine... it's GORGEOUS!

A view of the back wall of the room.

The next few pictures are the pages that I'm turning in for our profile with the adoption agency - these are supposed to give a glimpse into our life, but without giving specifics... it is also to show the family that the baby will be raised in... so that takes up a good three pages of our profile. If I would have had more than 6 pages - I would have loved to highlight cousins and other family members, but I kept it to the immediate family for the most part.







You might be wondering what is happening with the adoption lately. Well, the agency was closed for the holidays - so nothing much has been happening on their end. We have spent the holidays thinking about these pages and which photos to use. We've also been working on reading the 5 books that are required for the adoption and sending in our book reports. Each of us has to send in a summary when we finish reading the books.

We have also written our letters to the birth mother - we each have to write one of those, and we are currently working on writing our autobiographies. These elements along with the photos and our spiritual testimonies will be placed in our profile. The profile is the binder that is given to the birth mothers to choose the family for their baby. They all look the same, and each mother is given 3 books to look at - and the ladies at the agency said that the majority of moms will choose a family based on those initial three profiles. 

I got a call today to schedule the first meeting of our home study. The initial meeting will be our couple interview, and it will happen on Monday (January 11th) at 3:00 - we are very excited. From there we will each have a separate interview, and the final step of the process will be a meeting at our house. The lady that will be doing our home study asked that we have everything for our profile ready to turn in on as of Monday - we'll be in the mix for having our profile shown to birth mothers. Which means that no matter what else is happening in the process - we could get a baby at any time.

We could have a birth mother choose our profile at any moment - and that would start our next phase toward getting a baby. The only unknown will be when that might happen, and how far along the mom might be when she chooses us. It could be a couple of months in advance of the birth - or it could be right after the birth... it all depends on when she connects with the agency.

We absolutely welcome prayers for us in this process, but ask that you also consider praying for our birth mother and baby - we believe that our child has already been chosen for us by God, and he's just waiting until the right time to match us all up together. So we pray that the lady carrying our child has a clear indication when she reaches our profile, and that she has a clarity about that decision when the time comes. We also pray that she is doing well with a healthy pregnancy, and that the baby will be born at just the exact time according to God's will for all of us.


  1. oh my...this is big news!!! I am so excited for you! I will pray Monday goes well and that your little baby is growing big and healthy in her birth momma's womb. I bet right now he/she is cooking. What an amazing journey you have been on. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

  2. So glad to see things moving along and the nursery is adorable. I've have a rough and heartbreaking few days but seeing this gives me hope...

  3. I am praying for you and your family. And I'm praying that the woman carrying your son or daughter is healthy and doing well. I pray that when she learns about and chooses you, her heart is set at ease. I can't imagine having to make that decision.

    Good luck on your interviews!

  4. I don't know the first thing about adoptions, but this seems to be going perfectly (knock on wood)!

    I best get workin' on that baby blanket!

  5. So exciting! Keeping you all in my prayers.

  6. I am sure you will be chosen in no time and that your baby, YOUR baby, will come to you soon. There's no way that a birth mother could look at how much love you two have to give and not choose you. There is a lucky baby waiting for you. Remember, the first nine months are a blink, and being a parent has nothing to do with giving birth. It's the life and love you're able to give every minute afterward. And you and your husband can give something wonderful because you're willing to receive something wonderful.

  7. Oh Kim you will be so Blessed you and your Husband. The Lord has such a plan waiting to unfold for you and I can only imagine what it may be. God Bles you and I wait with anticipation to see your prayers answered



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