
Wednesday, December 2, 2009


For Thanksgiving - we started the day at my sister's house out in the country. We cooked, we ate, we looked at sale papers, we planned... and we took pictures! It was a fantastic day, and the weather was gorgeous... so we took photos outside on my brother in law's trailer... it made a GREAT backdrop though and gave us the ability to seat some folks behind the rest in order to shrink in the shot.

We took it a little further and took photos of all sorts of combinations - but tried to get each family, the kids, and the couple... some couples didn't cooperate... but we got some great pictures. I'm not totally sure if these are the best of what we took, but I did the best I could with the tiny thumbnails to choose what I thought were good.

Some of these will for sure be framed and put under the tree this month for the enjoyment of our family. Take a look... (you can click on the images to see them better if you'd like)

The whole family... at least until 2010 - we hope!!

(We were at their house...)

Is it just me or does the one on the left look like she's 25 and not 13?!

Aren't they cute? I met my brother in law here when I was 5, can you believe?

This one might not be the best of the bunch... but they're a good lookin' family anyway...

My little brother & sister... they are cuties...

All of the kids... until we add some more! (Again with the 13 going on 25... how did she grow up so fast?!)

Another cute family...

Such a sweet little princess...

Typical... they're just to dang cute for words...

Hmmm... not digging my hair anymore... maybe it's time for bangs again?

We finished off the day by going over to my inlaw's house to watch the big football game, and well - for me to hang out with my sister in law and shop online... we literally had two laptops dueling to find deals. I was pretty tired though - so she won out for that. She also got some gifts wrapped - which I have yet to get started on, but in my defense - I've got a craft show on Saturday, and my house is a mess.

We're slowly getting things put back together - and hopefully this weekend the border will go up in the nursery and the crib will be set up... after that I can start putting things back where they belong - or at least into the rooms where they belong. I'm sure there will still be more nesting and moving of things around to come as we get settled in again.

My friend Jenn asked yesterday in her comment why I haven't posted about my registries - and here's my thoughts on that:

1) They are still changing daily... and there will be lots to add when the baby actually comes... because I haven't done anything in terms of clothing, bibs, towels/wash cloths, or blankets - because some stuff should be gender specific.

2) I really have only set them up to save myself time and stress later - so I haven't even told my family about them in a real sense yet... I feel a little weird about it since we don't know when the baby will come.

3) I feel like we are so blessed already, and anyone that wants to participate on that level will - either by finding the registries or sending something that they feel I need beyond that.

4) I don't want anyone to feel the need to send us anything - we are just thrilled to be able to share what God is doing in our lives without the expectation of any sort of gifts or stuff.
5) Some of you will be invited to whatever shower we end up having when the baby arrives - so I guess I just thought that you'd find out then.

Copyright © 2007-2010 Thoughts By Kim. The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the author unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

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