
Monday, December 14, 2009


I typically try not to ask people in this format to pray for me - or at least it's been a while since I've specifically asked such a request. Today, though - that is exactly what I plan to do. I have several friends in need of prayer right now - you know the usual types of things... people needing peace, hope and love during difficult times - or even just prayer to help them sustain the good times.

I've been praying myself very hard lately for my friend Summer because she truly needs it. Life seems to be hitting her hard lately, and while I am confindent that there is a reason out there bigger than all of it... I know just how hard it can be to sit there and wonder what in the world you've done to deserve all of the hard times. Summer is a beautiful person, and she doesn't deserve the hard times in the least - and I know that there is going to be a HUGE blessing and celebration for the Browns at some point in the near future. I can only hope to be a small part of that blessing when it comes.

My main prayer request for you guys today though isn't for anyone other than little old me... well and John... okay and for Baby H - where ever Baby H is at the moment. I pray often for the birth mother of our child now that we're in this adoption journey - I pray that God will give her the grace and courage to make a choice that I can't even imagine. I pray that he'll give her the strength to endure and find the help that she needs. I pray that she takes care of her body physically and emotionally while she is carrying the baby - and that the pregnancy be as easy as it can be for her.

I pray that we meet her at just the right moment for each of our families and that we join together - for her to bring the baby into the world for us and for us to raise the baby to be the best person they can possibly be. With a strong spirit, a heart for God, and a generousity that is beyond measure.

However specifically in this journey - tomorrow is a big meeting. Tomorrow we officially get into the process of bringing home Baby H and figuring out all of the steps that we need to get done for that to happen. There are profiles to complete, letters for us to write to the birthmother, books to read, classes to take, inspections to have... pictures to take, furniture to pick up... oh yeah and the holidays!

It is enough to make your mind spin - just thinking about it. Sadly, the first thing that comes to mind for me is wanting a day where I can stay in my jammies the entire day just to rest up for it all. I don't think that will happen anytime soon - but it sure does sound lovely.

My prayer request for today is for our meeting tomorrow - at 9:30 - may God be with us in that meeting and allow the process to go smoothly and according to His will for us in this journey.

We will raise the children that he has planned for us, and will do it with a glad and happy heart. For those children may not grow UNDER my heart for 9 months - but they are already growing IN my heart today. It is incredible to me how I can love someone so much that I don't even know yet - or that I have no real knowledge of when I will meet them... but when I step foot into our nursery that is taking shape quickly. I feel an incredible sense of love and warmth that is beyond my wildest dreams.

It is tangible for me - and amazing. That room is my favorite in the whole house - and I can't wait to bring our gift from the Lord home to live in there. Afterall - we are living by one very important verse right now...

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows ~ James 1:17 (NIV)

Copyright © 2007-2010 Thoughts By Kim. The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the author unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.


  1. Prayers being sent up! I am so very excited for you both!

  2. I'll being praying for you! Good luck!

  3. Kim, I consider it an honor to pray for such a fantastic wish. My hope is the same for you as it is to all of my other blogger friends...that your families be blessed with the love and fulfillment that only a child can bring. Good luck and God bless!

  4. What a great resource!


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