
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Give-A-Way

Howdy All!! You know, I was thinking last night about the fact that I've been less than stellar in keeping up with the old blog lately - what with life being crazy an all... so I thought that in light of all the wonderful things happening in my neck of the woods - I'd take a little time and brighten someone else's day just a little bit.

With all the parties this time of year - why not have a pretty new necklace and earring set to accessorize with? Right?!

So I'm doing a give-a-way... the winner will get their choice of either this purple set...

Or this red set...

Your Choice!! How fun is that?! I will give you until Sunday evening to sign up - I'll draw a winner at 6PM CST on Sunday. I will email the winner to get their choice and mail it out on Monday. If the winnder doesn't respond by 6PM on Monday - we'll draw a different winner.

How do you get your entries? I'll tell ya...

*** Each entry needs a different comment - so if you want to get all the entries you can - you must submit 3 different comments. (I know - it's a hassle, but it's easier on me when putting the entries in the drawing.)

**** Remember to make sure that I have your email address so that I can contact you if you win.

1) One entry for going to the KH Jewelry Etsy store and telling me what your favorite item is.
2) One entry for becoming a follower of this blog - Thoughts By Kim.
3) One entry for posting this give-a-way on your own blog and sending your readers over to visit.

Copyright © 2007-2010 Thoughts By Kim. The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the author unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.


  1. The multi-color shell strand necklace OR the turquoise nugget and red necklace. I like them both a lot, so it's hard to choose!

  2. I'm already a follower of this lovely blog! :-D

  3. Here's the link to my post:

    Yay for giveaways!

    Lucky is the reader who wins this one!

  4. I loveth them all my dear! I love the Aqua bracelet on your Etsy site

  5. Oh I need a button for your etsy site so I can put a link to it on my blog!

  6. I love the floating pink necklace! I also like the purple delight!

  7. Posting on behalf of my friend, Karen.

    Her favorite item on Etsy is the multi-colored shell necklace and earring set.

    What can I say? She has EXCELLENT taste! (my favorite, too!)

  8. I heart the aqua braclet! Sweet stuff!

  9. Hi there! I am now a faithful follower of your blog! :)

  10. My favorite is the Tigerskin Jasper and White Heishe Necklace... or maaybe the turquoise and tigers eye set... or maybe the green shell bracelet... :) Too hard to choose just one!

  11. Here's the link to my blog post!! :)

  12. I'm officially a follower now. And I love the pearl and blue necklace on your site. Your jewelry is beautiful!

  13. I love the Aqua Bracelet!! It's awesome.

  14. I am offically a stalker. I mean follower :)

    perfectlyimperfect920 (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. OOH! That turquoise and silver cross is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Fun giveaway!

  16. This is beautiful. Love it. Especially the purple.

    BethAnn_97 AT hotmail DOT com

  17. The Pink Passion Necklace is my favorite in your etsy store, but my favorite in this contest is the purple necklace. I am already a follow and I will give you a plug in my blog post today at

  18. I love the Blue Peppermint Necklace. It is so pretty (and I love blue).

  19. I have been a follower for awhile. Does that count?


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!