
Sunday, November 15, 2009

In Bid-ness

Well, apparently I have let my favorite past-time become the one thing in my life that I have allowed to drop when things hit the fan... but I'm back guys - things are getting better... items are being checked off the list, BUT there are some new thing taking their place.

It has been an incredibly busy weekend - but a labor of love... and I just can't wait to see it all come together. More on that in another post later - with pictures AND stories.

My last post was about the potential new business that I've been encouraged to start. I've been doing some research, and the $10 a dozen price is pretty good for these little bites of cakey goodness. I also got some ideas for a couple of new items to try out over the season of baking and sweets. (Thanks Allie!!)

In preparation for Thanksgiving - I'll be making:
Yellow Cake Balls - yellow cake mixed with chocolate icing, dipped in milk chocolate
Red Velvet Cake Balls - red velvet cake mixed with cream cheese icing, dipped in white chocolate
German Chocolate Cake Balls - chocolate cake mixed with coconut pecan icing, dipped in milk chocolate
Carrot Cake Balls - carrot cake mixed with cream cheese icing, dipped in white chocolate
Strawberry Cake Balls - strawberry cake mixed with cream cheese icing, dipped in white chocolate

The last two are not special orders - but experiments being tested out on our families over the holiday.

I am also planning on trying other flavors as well - things that I'm thinking about are... Rum Cake Balls, Lemon Cake Balls, Italian Cream Cake Balls, and any other cake that I can think of to put into balls. HAHAHA! In addition - I'll be adding my peanut butter cracker candies, white chocolate pretzels, Oreo truffles (I need to get some Oreos, and I'm set for this recipe), Nutter Butter truffles, and my chocolate dipped Rice Crispie treats.

I did some looking around Etsy today - and it looks like people actually call these truffles for the most part - which I think does sound more sophisicated... so I'll be changing their name. There aren't too many compeditors either - so maybe this is the niche that will work for me. The only questions I have now are about how they list their products for order - in relation to my previous experience with Etsy... and shipping.

I've been thinking about names, and a lady from my office wanted me to call the business - "From the Hearth", which she thought was a fun play on the word heart. I threw out "Dipped in the Spirit" this morning to John - he sort of liked it... but I wonder if it sounds like my stuff is dipped in liquor. (NOT what I'm going for!) What do ya'll think?

I'd love to get something put online next weekend after making the 5 different flavors - just to start getting my name out there during the holiday season. I'm sure that I'll be making stuff every chance I can get to add to the inventory.

Copyright © 2007-2010 Thoughts By Kim. The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the author unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.


  1. I like Dipped in the Spirit...why not incorporate a sumbol of your faith so that it eliminates any questions about what you're Spirit you're referring to?

  2. Ok, I have clearly been married to Mr. Killjoy too long because I can hear the lecture he would give me on this idea. Since he is a perpetual wet-blanket on the crazy fun ideas I come up with (that I am usually to lazy to carry out anyway) I won't share the full lecture with you (unless you want).

    I will say though that you need to check into the food laws for your area, they may require you to have a commercial kitchen, or some other requirements.

    If you were referring to alcohol when you use "spirit" it would be spirits with the "s" at the end. Then again, literacy and grammar and spelling is way down and so many people wouldn't make that distinction.


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!