
Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm Alive

The title of this post says it all... I feel like such a loser blogger lately - but life is overwhelming me... and the holidays are coming.

Nothing brings on the panic quite like walking into your church the Sunday before Thanksgiving to see it completely decorated for the holidays... I almost had a panic attack. It is warming to the soul to see it - and to see the world transforming into the season that I love so much... but I'd like to know where in the WORLD I am going to find the time for all of the holiday things that I love so much...

My list of items on my plate that I care about without the holidays right now are:
  1. Hanging out with my wonderful husband
  2. Friends in crisis or just in need of love
  3. Reading and Studying for my New Testament Challenge
  4. Adoption
  5. Nursery Decoration
  6. Putting the rest of our house back together from clearing the nursery
  7. Church Projects
  8. Jewelry Business
  9. Candy/Cake Truffle Business
  10. Writing my book
  11. Blogging
Now - lets insert the "To Do" holiday list on top of those things, and my head starts to spin...
  1. Cooking
  2. Decorating
  3. Shopping
  4. A big craft show that I must attend on Saturday
  5. Baking/Candy Making
  6. Christmas Newsletter
  7. Christmas Cards
  8. Parties
  9. Cleaning
  10. Adoption Profile
  11. Hosting Family for New Years
Ya'll - I'm beginning to freak out again... DEEP BREATHS!! Sadly, I won't be enjoying the Black Friday shopping with family or friends this year - because I'm hoping to use that day to tick some things off of both of these lists. I'm going to need Starbucks and LOTS of it this season... or I'm going to have to start working out seriously hard so that I can add another hour to my day.

Although - is it truly adding an hour if you break even on the deal? Because I figure if you take an hour to work out - then you stay up an extra hour it's a wash... but then again... I'm just making excuses!

So I'm doing my very best to post as often as I can - and I do have a couple of posts that I want to write - I just need to get some work done before I can do that... maybe during my lunch hour I can squeeze out another post. I love blogging WAY to much to not be doing it more often than I have been.

Stick with me folks - I'm trying to get this train wreck back on the tracks and get us moving in the right direction again. Gentle prodding is welcome if you haven't heard from me in a few days! HA!

Copyright © 2007-2010 Thoughts By Kim. The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the author unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.


  1. Its hectic for everyone around these here parts lately. Hope you enjoy your spanksgiving!

  2. Man, I needed a nap before I read this. Now I need to go HIBERNATE!


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