
Monday, November 9, 2009

Crazy Days

I'll guess that my absence lately has shown just how crazy life has been for me in the last couple of weeks... with no real end in site until after Thanksgiving. Of course, then the marathon sprint that we all call the holidays will be in full force... so maybe sometime in 2010 - I'll be able to take another breather.

It all started on Halloween - when I worked at our church's Fall Festival... I took 160 portraits that night to be emailed out to the attendees... and I'm failing miserably at getting them emailed out. I just can't seem to keep up with all of the demands on my time these days.

The Fall Festival was a great event - and I think our church reported that we had about 1,000 people there or something around that... which is HUGE for our church, and such a blessing for us all.

Basically what I did was stand in a corner that was decorated with a backdrop... and take family photos. It was a lot of fun... and here are a couple of shots that I took while setting up - just so you'll see what it looked like.

This was the backdrop that they made for me - isn't it cute? Those are foam cutouts painted to look like the pumpkins and rocks... I loved it.

An extremely unflattering picture of me... ugh! It makes me look all lopsided (which may be the harsh reality) and I just don't like it. Not to mention that I DID have makeup on... but still look like I'm extremely pale.

My friend's daughter posing for me so that I could make sure that the tripod was at the right height. This is one of my all-time favorite teenagers right now... so I had to share.

So blogging may be sporatic until I can get things under control... but I promise that nothing MAJOR will happen without me reporting it quickly and immediately. I think we're pretty safe on that for a bit - so no worries... our adoption meeting isn't until December 4th - so no real movement on that will happen until then, but we are working feverishly on building the nursery... I'll post regular updates on that until the big reveal!! So bare with me - and I'll keep trying to send up flares to show that I am in fact alive.

Copyright © 2007-2010 Thoughts By Kim. The content on these pages, including text and images are the sole property of the author unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.


  1. Goodness, girl - just reading all that makes me tired!! I don't know how you do it.

    I am praying so hard for your appointment coming up...I am so excited for you and John. You will be such great parents.

    In case I haven't mentioned it lately ('cuz I fell into a big black hole and haven't been online so much myself), you are such an encouragement and an inspiration. :) Can't wait to see how the nursery comes out!!

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