
Sunday, September 27, 2009

1,000th Post

We've reached a milestone here at Thoughts by Kim... this is our 1,000th post!

Can you believe it?!

Some of you have been with me from the beginning - others have picked up on our journey somewhere along the way... but what an amazing journey it has been... and it is FAR from over.

When I started this blog in July of 2007 - I had no idea of the things that would come over the course of 1,000 posts.

We have:
  • We bought a house
  • We gained a new niece
  • I had weight loss surgery
  • We watched our first church home close
  • We joined a new - FANTASTIC - church
  • I stepped out in faith and went on my first women's church retreat
  • I lost a job (a horrible one at that)
  • I turned 30!
  • I got baptized!!
  • I had my gallbladder removed
  • I struggled through an unrealized dream of becoming a teacher
  • I got a new job
  • We endured Hurricane Ike and it's aftermath
  • John had weight loss surgery
  • I went on my second women's church retreat... these are AMAZING!!!
  • We have led small group for our church two semesters
  • We gained a new brother-in-law
  • We have endured the struggles of infertility
  • We have had three unsuccessful fertility treatment cycles
  • Relationships have been gained and lost
  • And the list will continue to grow...

When you look back on that list knowing that it only spans the time of just over two years... can you believe how much change has happened for us?!

This blog has been therapeutic in so many ways, and I am so grateful for each of you that reads it often to find out what is going on in our little world. The friendships that I have gained through this little virtual community have been an amazing source of comfort and strength through each struggle... and I look forward to what the next 1,000 posts brings for us...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! You've certainly had a lot happen the past few years. I'm looking forward to the next 1,000.


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!