
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another Busy Weekend

This is already shaping up to be another busy weekend. It seems like 1/2 of the people I know have birthdays this weekend or coming up shortly... so we've got two parties to go to tonight.

I started off the day going to WalMart for our groceries, but John realized earlier this week that Texas' Tax Free Back to School weekend is next weekend... and he knows how I loathe WalMart or any other shopping experience on that weekend. (It's seriously worse than the day after Thanksgiving!)

Anyway, we planned out two weeks worth of groceries, plus I needed a few cleaning items, and some things to go with the birthday gifts that I've purchased... and for all of that I spent $182... which is impressive - since I went last week and spent $150 for one week... although last week - I bought more jewelry supplies and a couple of tops for myself.

I do need to make a run to Hobby Lobby this week, but in terms of the groceries - we're looking good and I can spend all day next Saturday getting ready for our Small Group's game night... and I'm making a couple of other dishes for us to freeze for meals to take as lunches to work.

The parties for tonight are going to be a blast. My friend, Renee, is turning 29 tomorrow - so we're starting our evening at their house for hamburgers and fun. From there, we'll head over to my friend, Danielle's, for her 40th birthday party.

Tomorrow morning - I'll be in the toddler room bright and early playing with my kids while all their parents attend a meeting about our Children's Ministry and the upcoming year. Then I will attend the second service with John and his parents... I am thrilled that after a 4 week break - our regular pastor will be back... I love his messages, so I'm ready to get back into the word with his leading.

From there, we'll pick up something for lunch and hopefully spend the entire rest of the day relaxing and watching movies. I know that at that point - I will be 100% exhausted! Then it'll be time to start another week at work... ugh! I seriously need some vacation time... I'm planning on taking some soon - but am waiting to figure out what the schedule will be for our fertility cycle before putting it on the calendar.

I'd like to figure out what the doctor recommends for the IUI - because if I need to plan on taking some time off like a 1/2 day or whatever... I'd like to make sure that I can plan around all of that... and maximize my time off and relaxation.

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