
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Romantic Dinner 2

In keeping with our Love Dare - yesterday was my night to cook a romantic dinner for John. I'm not quite as good at menu planning as he is, but I did alright. We enjoyed it once again, and are talking about making it a regular thing. We've rarely (maybe twice in 7 years) used our china, and silverware (our two romantic dinners)... so we're going to plan on doing it more often. The menus might not be as elaborate, but at least while we're not serving dinner to kids in our house - we'll make a point to use our finest and enjoy each other's company.

I put the recipes up on the Kim's Cuisine blog - so I'll give you links in the event that my fantastic photos (HA!) entice you to make these dishes yourself.

Spinach Berry Salad

Beef Stroganoff

Broccolini with Carmelized Shallots

Chocolate Walnut Tart

The happy diner ready for his dinner... he wore his Donald Trump tie... so cute!
Dinner was fabulous and we had a lovely time chatting. While I was cooking we had a great rain storm - and sadly - I almost didn't know what it was when I heard it. I heard thunder and was like - what is that?! We got about 1.5 inches in about a half hour - we are still in a SEVERE drought, but at least we got a little something to bring us out of the 105 degree temperatures that we've had consistently for a while.


  1. Wow! What a great dinner you prepared! And how nice of John to dress up for it.

  2. Yes, you completely stink at planning the meal. (I really hope the sarcasm comes through).

    That looks really delicious! I love fruit on salad and that is such a pretty salad. Here in Backwoodsville we don't get anything fancy like broccolini but it still looks good. I love stroganoff but I usually make it with hamburger though.

    I think you did a great job!

  3. Can I hire you?

    Your meal looks like something straight out of a magazine!

    In our house, we don't do the gourmet-type stuff. It's all comfort food, sans recipe, straight from the genius mind of my husband. I can cook well enough that we can eat and not make faces, but Todd has a real knack for experimental meals that are so delicious they makes your toes curl! What's better is that he can remember what he did to replicate the meal over and over (I TOTALLY lack in that...)

    What a lovely meal! And it certainly looks romantic! ;-)

  4. looks fantastic! can you come over and cook for me???? i will give you a kiss on the cheek.

  5. Looks yummy! I'll have to check out the recipes! And I think you did just fine with your night to cook! I don't make anything that looks that elegant!


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