
Friday, July 17, 2009

Peace At Last

Let me start off by telling you guys about something completely amazing that I just found out about... we haven't talked to much about our situation with John's parents until recently... and his parents spent the first three days of this week fasting and praying for us! Isn't that just one of the sweetest things you've ever heard?

Ok... from here - it might become too much medical information for some readers (DAD - Lynne is up to speed and ready to filter it to you)... the rest of you buckle up and keep reading.

As expected, we got the results of John's updated testing today - and his levels are SO much better... they are still just shy of where they want them to be, but with our new chosen course of action - they should be just right by the time that the plan is back on track.

Thanks to the Love Dare - John and I have really upped our communication lately - and were talking on the way home yesterday about our situation and the fact that today when the doctor's office called - they could potentially be ready to order the injections for me to start taking them to start our IUI cycle. That got us thinking a little bit... we've got so many questions and haven't actually seen or spoken with our doctor since our first visit in January... so we decided that before we do anything further we'd like to talk to him again.

We want to make sure that we are doing the best procedure that will give us a real viable opportunity to get pregnant... quickly.

Additionally, we realized that while we know that I've never ovulated... they have a good plan in place to make that happen for me, but from there - no one has any idea if my fallopian tubes are open - meaning that if we produce an egg... will it be able to meet us halfway on this deal?

We've never looked at that - which seems sort of odd... but when I suggested it to the nurse today - she thought it was a smart idea. Because, honestly - do we want to just spend the money on a shot in the dark - when in reality if something is wrong... we could have saved the money and applied it to the next bigger option (IVF). We just want to be good stewards of our money and be smart about how we go through this process.

If there isn't much hope that an IUI cycle will work - we don't want to go through that for several consecutive months... we'd rather just skip that step and move on... but either way - we want to understand what the doctor is thinking and how these decisions are being made... since we've only seen him once, and CLEARLY things get lost in translation between the nurses and me.

So as things stand right now:
  • I am meeting with the nurse on Tuesday at lunch time to schedule the diagnostic tests that will tell them everything they need to know about my anatomy. Right now - I only know of the test to send dye through my fallopian tubes to check for blockage... but there could be others.
  • I will have the tests done sometime in the next two weeks.
  • On August 3rd, we will meet with the doctor at lunchtime to get our questions answered... and get everything ordered/set up for our cycle.

I feel so much more at peace about everything... at least we know that our doctor has made a good significant difference in the quality of John's test results - and for right now they've got my hormones holding steady.

There hasn't been any change on my "mystery illness" but I'm trying to hang in there... I talked to the nurse at the fertility doctor's office, and she said that they could test me for some things when I come in - but she didn't seem to indicate that a pregnancy test would be on that list of tests - so I'm going to put the idea of that to rest.

I just have a general distrust of home pregnancy tests because my mother once told me that she never tested positive at home when she was pregnant with me... so I just wonder if my hormones will be more faint when it does happen? I don't know - I'm sure technology has come a long way since 1977, but it's still just something that I'm unsure about. I think I'll always be more comfortable with blood tests - because I feel like they are much more sophisticated.


  1. So glad you are feeling better about everything! IUIs did not work for me and by the time the doctor was ready to refer me to an IVF doctor, emotionally, I couldn't handle anymore. If you can, skip that step and try to get something more definitive. At least your baby doctor's office is willing to run some tests for your illness! At least somebody is on the ball!
    Happy weekend!

  2. That's fabulous about John's parents and it sounds like they did it just right - in private. I'm glad that you're getting a good feel for the next steps to come. I pray that the test yields good results and that you can get going with the treatments!

  3. Great news! I hope this speeds things up for you.

  4. Kim,

    We went through six miscarriages and lost a baby at 23 weeks gestation. When we'd gone through about 18 months of inability to get pregnant again, the doctor order an HSG - the test where they shove the dye through your fallopian tubes.

    Had the HSG, yes, there was blockage, the test actually broke the blockage out. Five days later I was pregnant with our now 12 1/2 year old son, William.

    It's amazing the things God uses to bring about His will, in His timing.

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  5. Sounds like you have a good plan and I'm so glad you are at peace about your decisions. I've had two different fertility docs and both considered it standard procedure to do the dye test before making any treatment plan (including IUI). So you are very wise to ask for this test. It's good to know exactly what you're dealing with before putting money into procedures that won't result in a pregnancy.

    I have prayed for you often since I've had the pleasure of meeting you in the blog world, and it's wonderful to hear your testimony about how your marriage is growing! You're in this together!

  6. I love you Kim . Whenever I'm going through adversity I say my favorite verses. "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."
    Just remember that God's timing is always perfect!

  7. You both are doing so good and you will make it happen! I had my tubes checked-it's a very quick test and you could bleed a little afterwards, but that is normal...but it's important to know that you are open and ready for business! I know everything is gonna work out and just the drastic changes you two have made in a short amount of time just shows how motivated you are and God will meet you the rest of the way! Praying for you!!! <3 Becky

  8. I like this plan with the definitive dates and the tests and the action plan... soothes my neurotic soul! :)

    This sounds very, very good. I agree... go for the whole shebang with IVF earlier rather than later!

    I see a TLC show in your future: John and Kim Plus Ten.

    I kid, I kid.

  9. Good for you for asking about the hsg - I'm surprised that your doctors would consider doing an IUI (especially with injectables) without one. Your revised plan sounds really great! I'm so excited for you! And how sweet of your in-laws. ♥

    (BTW - If your doctor doesn't tell you to, ask about taking ibuprofen about an hour prior to the hsg.)

  10. Kim,
    I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks once, so I knew I could get pregnant, but was getting anxious after a year had passed with no pregnancy. So we went to a fertility doctor and after my husband and I were tested for various things (not the hsg though) I was classified as an unexplained infertility case and was recommeded to start on fertility drugs. Being that I was already frustrated I could not imagine now spending $$$ to be disappointed. Then a differnt doctor ordered an HSG - the test where they shove the dye through your fallopian tubes - and I was pregnant w/in the month! There was no obvious blockage but the doctor told me that sometimes the test just "clears the way". Definitly a worthwhile test. And do take some Motrin first. It's not a bad pain, just a slight contraction and a bit uncomfortable. Good luck!!!

  11. Wow, what a blessing to have in-laws like that!

    This sounds like a great plan. I am so glad that you are feeling at peace with it.


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