
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Answers

I got fed up with these crazy symptoms that I have been having lately - and decided that I was going to get in to see my doctor today. John went with me... and we told him all about my crazy fatigue, nausea, temperature issues, muscle aches, and the like... to which he really had no answers for me. Weird thing about the nausea is that it is totally different than most other types of nausea... meaning that the only thing that makes it even remotely go away is food.

I was shocked that he tested nothing... no blood work... nothing! That is so unlike him... and I've gotten a battery of tests run for FAR less symptoms.

He said that it could be dehydration, a virus, a bad batch of thyroid medicine, or none of the above... basically he said:

* Take naps when needed - gee - thanks!

* Drink a ton of water - because I'm not drinking or using the restroom enough

* Change to brand name only thyroid medicine - done

* Change my vitamin to the Bariatric Advantage High ADEK formula... which I also got their Acidophilus pills as well... since I've been having some digestive problems... couldn't hurt. I've been eating those Activia formula yogurts and cheeses... with no real results - so we'll see if this helps.

* Call him back if I don't feel better within 10 days... UGH! TEN DAYS?! I can't survive like this for 10 more days...

* Good news was that my blood sugar levels haven't changed since the last time he took them - which means that my shots are hanging in there pretty well - and if I could get myself off of all this sugar - they'd probably be even better.

The only other thing I think I'm going to try for right now is to find a over the counter iron supplement - because there is ZERO iron in these new vitamins... any suggestions are welcomed...

Oh, and I'm going to go ahead and suck it up and take a pregnancy test - just to clear up any possibility that it might be the cause of my symptoms... but when I told the doctor about it - he didn't seem to think that was the root of these problems... even though EVERY one of them is a symptom.... but I know he's probably right. ** Updated to add - took two tests this morning - one had an error... and no dice. I needed a miracle, but it isn't to be this time around... which only serves to convince me more than something is wrong... ugh!

I won't be around all day today... I'll be at my all day photo shoot for work... so once we get home - I'll probably crash & burn very early... thank goodness for John's birthday present (the new NCAA Football 2010 video game) keeping him entertained tomorrow night...

He's been great tonight too though - as we all would expect - I've been planted on the couch and he won't let me get off. I had to sneak in to get the sheets out of the dryer and got in a little trouble for that. He takes such GOOD care of me!!


  1. So sorry that you're still miserable! I was hoping it would finally be over for you soon.

    John is right to get on to you to stay down and rest. So make sure you get back on the couch, or even in bed, after work.

    Iron--my midwife put me on Slow FE when I was pregnant. It's not as (how shall I say it?) binding as regular iron. And with all the other craziness you've got going on, you wouldn't want that added to it!

    Your welcome.

    However, it's not chewable, so that may make a difference. Thought I don't know if they make chewable iron.

    Do you have a cast-iron skillet or pot? Cooking with one is a great way to add iron to your diet.

    Also, just had a thought, it could be something you are eating that is making you feel this way. Could be dairy, wheat, soy, or eggs. Have you been tested for allergies?

    And another thing (not to scare you), my friend had some weird symptoms for nearly a year...they ran a mulitude of tests but couldn't find anything...they thought she had Lyme disease, but then they finally figured out she had a systemic yeast infection (thoughout her whole body), and so she had to severely restrict her diet for a year to help get rid of it. I think she's still dealing with it, but she's doing fact just had her 5th or 6th baby, with no issues.

    I will email her and ask what her symptoms were. Hopefully that's not what you have, but I think it's good to hear about those strange things that happen to people so that if it happens to you, you have some place to start looking for answers.

  2. Just wanted to send some (((hugs))) your way. I'm praying for you!! Good for John for taking such great care of you.

  3. I was going to say SlowFE, but I see someone aready recommended it. I took that while pregnant with the twins when I got sick of paying for the prescription Replivia.

  4. Kim,
    I am sorry you are still feeling so bad. I don't have any suggestions or anything, just praying for you.

  5. So - you know bariatric post-ops shouldn't take the Slow FE, right?

    Do you know Michelle? Aka Vitalady? If not - get thee over to - she's a good friend - and a genius with post-op labs. She's 14 or 15 years post-op distal RNY. She was just here at the house on Saturday for a BBQ. Seriously - she's your gal!

    If you're looking for a good bariatric-friendly iron, I've got several suggestions for you.

    My favorite - ProFerrin ES - you can get it at Vitalady or at - they're heme delivery and don't cause constipation or stomach upset.

    Poly Iron (aka polysaccharide) is awesome, too. You can find it lots of places, but most of my patients get it from Vitalady or

    Vitalady has her own label of something called Tender Iron. A lot of RNY post-ops love it. The thing I didn't love about it (remembering I'm a DS'er, not RNY'er) was that it gave me stomach upset - and you have to take so stinking many of these things!

    Anyway - if there's any way possible, as for copies of your most recent labs - ask specificially for your ferritin, hematocrit, hemaglobin, Iron, TIBC, and Vitamin B-12 levels. Okay?


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!