
Sunday, July 5, 2009

John's Journey Update

If you happened to notice - over the weekend, John has surpassed my weight loss number! He's at 98 pounds lost... and I couldn't be more proud of him. He's also lost 56 inches... amazing work for his 4 month anniversary!

I asked him to do the comparison photo today so that I could update you on his progress. For the first time, he actually saw the difference in himself. There aren't words that truly can tell you how deceiving the mirror can be... if you haven't been through a journey of this type... you just can't understand.

He opened his before picture - and just said "WOW... I've lost a LOT of weight." I remember the first time that I saw a photo of myself after getting a good way through the journey - and having a hard time wrapping my head around the difference. You can't deny what you see in the photos... and I'm so glad that John can finally see how far he's come in such a short time.

He still has a way to go to reach his goal... but BOY... he's come so far. I don't even think that I realized how much of a difference there is in him. I mean, I know rationally that he's lost 98 pounds - and that it is a HUGE number for 4 months... but I don't know that I truly realized the difference in the pictures.

I couldn't be more proud of him, and I'm so excited for the journey that is still to come. Things have changed for him in so many ways... this weekend... we went out for lunch, and for the first time that I can remember in recent history - we didn't specifically ask for a table. We both fit in the booth without a problem - and with room to spare... and I know that it is such a relief to not have to worry about making special requests to accommodate our weight.

I'll have him update his photos again in a month or two... it is an amazing transformation!!


  1. I just celebrated my 7 year WLS anniversary ( - and I gotta tell you - I still go through the whole dysmorphia thing. I started with a BMI of 66 - today I have a BMI of 26 - but there are days when it's really hard for me to realize the difference!

    So I know what you're saying, girlfriend!

    My husband (also named John) celebrated his 5 year WLS annivesary on the same day I celebrated my 7th. Isn't it cool to have your husband along for the journey?

  2. How awesome! And to think he's only 4 months in! Imagine what a year is going to bring! Besides the outer appearances, his decision to go forward with surgery is affording him so many other wonderful benefits! Congrats to him!

  3. He looks fantabulous, Kim! Upper body especially...huge difference! All over, but I can really see it there dramatically! Onward and downward, John~!

  4. Wow! Congrats to John! I know what you mean about the mirror being deceiving. I'm happy that he can start to really see what he's accomplishing.

  5. Congratulations! What great "before" and "in process" photos! That is a LOT of progress for a mere 4 months. Keep pressing on!


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