
Sunday, July 12, 2009

John's Birthday

Yesterday was John's birthday... and what a lovely day... busy, but lovely.

To start off the day, John found out that he's now crossed the 100 pounds lost mark... which is simply amazing for 4 months and a week... I couldn't be more proud of him... he's been waking up everyday and doing his workout while I start getting ready. I don't know that I could get up at 5AM and workout... but it seems to be working really well for him.

After the weigh in - he went to a Men's Breakfast at our church - which he always enjoys... and while he was there - I went to the grocery store to get everything we needed for the week - along with the "party" supplies. I was able to rush home and get it all set up before he got home from the breakfast.

From there we had lunch at one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants - which is John's favorite food... we had lunch with his family - and spent a good part of the afternoon hanging out with them.

Here are some pictures of our afternoon with the family:

Miss Taylor acting silly...

Taylor and Brooklyn...

The "party"

Brooklyn slept through lunch at the restaurant... so Aunt Kim hooked her up.

John's cake

The girls and Susan helping him blow out the candles.

The girls helping open the gifts.

A new shirt!! (he got two and some pants) Very snazy too - he wore it to church today and it looked nice.

I got him several gifts that were "on paper" for the time being... I got him his new college football video game that we'll pick up on Tuesday when it comes in to the store. The dogs (don't laugh) got him an e-certificate for a new guitar strap...because he wants a longer one than the one he has. Finally - I made him the 12 months of gifts birthday...
July - a weekend where I will do all of the lawn work for him while he relaxes
August - a staycation... a day off where we go do something fun together
September - breakfast in bed on the Sunday after the first football game...
October - a weekend of all the football he wants to watch - without me complaining... (anyone that wants to go do a girl thing... let me know!!)
November - a staycation to the zoo or the George Ranch Historical Park
December - maid service
January - a movie marathon in our PJ's one Saturday
February - a special trip to a specialty grocery store and a romantic dinner prepared by the two of us... for our anniversary and Valentines Day
March - a staycation to the Houston Livestock Show
April - a Friday night date - dinner and a movie - or whatever he chooses
May - a staycation of fishing with me... where I'll actually fish!!
June - a shopping trip for new clothes
Brother-in-law silliness... Ryan and John... enough said.

John with the girls... Brooklyn showing her teefies...

John with the girls and Susan...

One of two photos that Taylor staged... she told everyone where to sit... very cute!

Here is the second of the shots she staged.
The family left around 4:15 or so - and we left at 4:30 to meet our Worship Pastor at our church. We went on an outing to visit a large church in our area to see how they run their worship service... it was a BIG production, but overall we had a good time seeing something different. From there we went to have pizza with Justin and Kacy - and it was fun to just get to hang out and chat with them too... they are a lovely couple. I look forward to spending more time with them in the future.
That's about it for our activities yesterday... I hung in there pretty good - but my energy level is seriously low. So I'm thinking that a doctor's visit might be on the horizon for this week.


  1. Yeah that is so great he has lost all that weight already! Wow! It looks like he had a great birthday and good times with family...have a great week ahead! <3 Becky

  2. Looks like a great birthday! I love the 12 months of gifts you gave him...that's a great idea that I'll save for a future b-day or XMas!

  3. Looks like a fabulous day! Happy b-day, Johnny! And what a great gift with those certificates! I may steal that next May! ;)

  4. What fun and adorable pics!! Sounds like it was a great day. And I love the 12 months of gifts idea...I'm totally stealing that for C's next birthday. :)


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