
Sunday, July 5, 2009


So, okay... it's been a while since I've posted... basically - lets just say that I needed a break. I've been feeling like the computer was sucking me in more and more... and this week I've felt more like it was the enemy. My desire to use the computer when I'm at home in the evenings has completely vanished... because I want to be present and fully aware in my time that I have to spend with John.

Our 4th of July was good - we spent a good portion of the day with his family cooking and watching Fireproof. Susan, my sister-in-law, made a 7 layer dip decorated with a flag on top. It took a while, and I did a lot of heckling... but in the end it was very cute. Sour cream made the white stripes, tomatoes and salsa made the red stripes, olives served as the background for a sprinkling of cheese for the stars.

We made it home before dark, so that the dogs wouldn't freak out over the fireworks... at which point - our neighbors go COMPLETELY nuts. Since we're dealing with a SEVERE drought - you'd think people would be smarter than they are... but at least in our neighborhood - they aren't. We went to bed around 10:30... and by midnight the fireworks had slowed enough for us to doze off a little bit. There was the occasional firework between then and 2... at which point the kid across the street from us went crazy.

We're talking about fireworks beyond anything that I've ever seen or heard before. Long obnoxious strings of blackcats that would continue popping for a couple of minutes at a time. I mean just one right after the other... John went outside to ask him to stop - since we had to get up for church at 5:30 this morning. The kid was his typically rude self - so we ended up calling the police. We finally went back to bed at 3... for what could only be called a nap.

At that point John got up for church... and I got up to get some things done around the house. I knew that if I didn't try to focus my energy right then - I'd end up getting absolutely nothing done all day today. I opted to attend the second service at church... and surprisingly got quite a bit done. Which awarded us the ability to lay around and relax for the rest of the day.

So lets just say that if fireworks were to never exist... I'd be okay with that. I don't need to explode things in the air to honor the Independence Day for my country - and show my patriotism. Unfortunately, the fireworks make me NOT look forward to this holiday... and New Year's is even worse. UGH! I mean people ought to save their money instead of spending it on something so silly. Why don't they just take their hundred dollar bill and light IT on fire?!

Hopefully I'll be back this week blogging more regularly... whatever I can get done during the day at the office will have to suffice - because I'm sticking to the extremely limited (if at all) use of the computer in the evenings.

1 comment:

  1. Never thought I'd say this, but when it comes to things like fireworks keeping me awake, I am very thankful for my stupid CPAP machine because I never hear a thing! Between that and the AC in our bedroom, life is good at night!
    Sorry it was so noisy at your house. People are indeed insane.


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