
Friday, June 26, 2009

On the Mend?

Don't forget to sign up for the necklace giveaway contest here... contest closes tomorrow at noon - so don't miss out!

Well, yesterday certainly ended up being strange. My boss wanted me to leave the office almost immediately after I got there, but I ended up leaving around 2. We made our 45 minute drive home, and just about 5 minutes before we got there - I called my doctor's office to give them my updated contact number.

When I called - they were just about to call me and tell me that they had a new prescription for me, and some information about my other symptoms. My other symptom was dizziness, and he said that it was dehydration - and that I needed to drink LOTS of fluids or I'd have to be admitted to the hospital for fluids. The prescription that he wanted to call in can only be filled at the hospital - you'd be shocked at how hard it is to get liquid antibiotics!

So we turned the car around and went to get the medicine at the hospital. I took it when we got home, and my fever immediately spiked up again... apparently whatever this bug is - it doesn't like the fact that I'm trying to hunt it down and kill it!

My fever stayed high all the way through our small group meeting - in which John had me sit in his leather recliner... and I promptly sweated through my clothes... EWWW! I made it through the meeting, and by the time everyone left - John told me to go ahead and email my boss to tell her that I wasn't going to be able to make it in the office today.

I did just that - and then slept until 9 this morning. It was nice since I didn't sleep AT ALL the night before. Since then - I've moved to the couch, and John has made me soup and taken care of my every need. He's a wonderful nurse!

I'm feeling a bit better this morning - but it could be a lull between fever symptoms. Who knows, but I hope that I'm getting better - because I'd love to get out of the house for a little while today. It's sad when you get sooooo bored that going to the grocery store and Office Depot sounds like a welcomed distraction!


  1. My goodness, it just won't give you a break! It's always the worst being sick like that especially when it's scorching hot outside. Somehow that always seemed to make me feel worse. Although when I was a kid and I had a head cold, my grandma would tell me to go outside in the Florida summer heat and sunshine for a while to "break" the cold. Don't know what it was about the heat, but it would usually clear me up to where the congestion would loosen up so I could expel it. Not sure I'd advise you to do the same though! I'm glad you've got a good caretaker!

  2. I get bored at home too if I have nothing to do...I hope you feel better soon *hugs*

  3. im glad you are starting to feel better i hope that continues cause being sick is so not fun, but it sounds like you have a really great guy for him to take care of you like that, i totally understand being bored at home and wanting a distraction i hope you get to get out of the house today ~ take care

  4. I hope the new round of meds do the trick, and that you are able to kick this bug soon! Sounds like John is taking super-good care of you. What a good hubby!!

  5. Are you finally feeling better? That must be some potent stuff if they only have it at the hospital!


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