
Friday, June 12, 2009

Full Circle

I'm apparently brilliant again... I don't know that this fully makes up for the craziness of the last week, but at least we can end on a brighter note.
It is exhausting working for women sometimes... I can't even begin to fully tell you how exhausting, but lets just say that I've always said that I'm not a fan of working for other women. Somehow - I like the continuity and stability of working for men. You pretty much always know what to expect with a man, and there aren't too many surprises. Or at least that has been my experience over the last 10 years.
Working from home has been great today - I've gotten some work done, I've worked out, and I made the grocery list for John to "hunt and gather" for me this morning. This frees us up for tomorrow to get some yard work done, and hopefully I'll be able to get some jewelry making done as well.
We've got a church party tomorrow night - so we'll see how early we get started on getting the yard work done as to if I'll make it up to the craft room.
I'm also excited because when I wrap up the working for the day - Renee and I are going to go do a little shopping for the evening. We're planning on heading to Ikea and Home Goods to look for some things for our houses... I'm looking for something to put on our entry way table for 11 months of the year. We'll have little L with us... so it'll be some fun girl time... and of course there will be some Sonic Happy Hour and dinner involved as well.


  1. you better start the lawn early...i started at 7:30 this morning and was sweating my butt off by 8.

  2. I knew you were brilliant! I'm glad you were let in on that one!

    I hope you had a fabulous time!!


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