
Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Favorites 7

This one is one of my girls... Sugar Mommy is in our small group at church - so we've grown to love her family as part of our own. She is super mom - and I'm not kidding. She has 4 amazingly beautiful children - that are just the sweetest little cutie pies! Please go check her out when you can.

1) Tell us a little bit about yourself:

I’m a stay-at-home mommy to 4 kids ages 6, 4, 20 months , and 5 months. I don’t get to blog as much as I’d like with all these kids and my hubby’s work schedule (which leaves me with very little time and energy when he’s gone AND when he’s home), but I do what I can when I can. I am a teacher by trade, but have been working at home for the last 6 years being a mommy, wife, homemaker, and now a homeschooler. I am not at all perfect, and, unfortunately, find myself to be usually quite sinful, but I love the Lord Jesus and strive to live a life worthy of His calling.

2) Tell us your mission/goal for your blog:

I’m still waiting to see where this blog goes. I don’t really have a mission in mind for it. Originally, it was meant to help our Sugar Daddy keep up with all the happenings of life here at home when he’s gone, but I’ve also enjoyed having it to participate in some fun blog parties, like “Not Me! Monday” at MckMama’s blog, and several hosted by The Nester and Kimba. I am looking forward to Kim’s new, upcoming blog fest, too!

3) Tell us about your favorite post or your best inspiration:

My favorite all-time post has to be the one when my daughter sang a song to me about cows making’ll be better if you read it as it was originally posted, than if I retell it here.

My kids are a huge source of inspiration to me. They’re always doing something funny and cute. But I try to also find inspiration in other blogs I read. There are so many wonderful writers, photographers, crafters, decorators, and cooks out there. I love to read what they have to say and look for projects and ideas I can use in my own home.

I’ve been wonderfully surprised at the number of Christian bloggers out there who share their hearts for Jesus and their compassion for other people, and I am continuously encouraged in my walk by what they have to say.

4) Tell us one thing you can’t live without: (this could be animal, vegetable, or mineral – it’s up to you)

Coffee (that’s pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it?), but only with International Delight creamer.

5) Tell us something funny/interesting about you:

While in college, I would go on double-dates with my husband, but we were dating other people at the time. It’s a long story…

6) Tell us how we can find you to read for ourselves: (your blog address)

Please go give Sugar Mommy some love... she's recently been working on a new decorating plan for her porch... it's fantastic!

Also if you'd like to participate in this fun survey and become one of the Friday Favorites - take these questions and answer them yourself... then email them to me.

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