
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Are You Kidding?

Most of the day yesterday - I struggled to stay awake, and desperately longed for a pillow and a blanket. Because things never workout as I would hope - I curled up on the couch...and about 10 minutes later... a knock at the door. We had been working with the warranty people with our home builder, so John went ahead and answered the door in case it was one of them. (If we would have thought about it - our warranty people DO NOT wear ties...)

It was our friendly Kirby vacuum salesman, Don. He chatted John up and seduced him with the promise of cleaning our floors... bleh. So John agrees - after confirming that it is a FREE demonstration about 12 times.

The kid leaves, and comes back with his supplies and boss - I think the boss's name was Pat. If you've ever been through one of these demonstrations - it's like no other experience I've ever had. Of course the only thing I have to compare it to is the water purification people that came out the day we moved in the house... John signed up for that so that we'd get a free gift card... I'm pretty sure the gift card never came.

I should also mention that the short time between the talk at the door and Don's return with the stuff - John had prepared several areas that he wanted them to clean... like a kid in a candy store - he was going to put them to the test.

So, he proceeds to start showing us all the features -the whole thing started at around 6:45ish. (maybe slightly earlier)

He vacuums with our machine, and swiffers the tile floors... then goes back over it with the Kirby to show us what our machines missed. LOTS of other tests... and we start seeing these lining our entry way.

Because it looks disgusting - I must tell you that the darker ones on the row on the far right of the picture are from the top of our kitchen cabinets - so I think that the grease that might be up there from cooking makes it look worse. The others on the left that look horrid... are from the couch - which is new and a dark brown... so a lot of that was just fuzz coming off the fabric.
The grossest thing by far though was the demonstration of them using the Kirby on our mattress. THAT is disgusting! (For the money they wanted for the Kirby though - I'll just go buy a new bed!)
At several points during the demonstration - Don had to call into the office - which if you've never been through one of these - they totally talk on the phone with someone acting like they're making you a special deal... when they start to talk to you about what the deal is - they set the phone down on the table so that the person on the other end can hear exactly what you're saying. (This will become important later.)
I about choked when they asked me what I thought the vacuum was worth, and I said "$500" which is about the most that I'd EVER even try to justify to myself for a machine like that. Don replied, "That's a nice down payment." Great, at this point - I knew it was going to be a struggle to get these people out of our house.
We do more trials and tests with the machine to show us more about how it works and the things that it can do. Pat comes back to the house shortly before each phone call to check on Don and put in his little bit of information to help make the sale.
Second phone call, ya'll at this point - I'm getting delirious because I haven't eaten and I'm exhausted... so I literally wanted to cry just to get them to leave... but I didn't have the energy. Anyway, they come down to a price around $1,600 this time. John goes into a little about how we're doing fertility treatments - and that the price is now half of a month's worth of treatment.
Don, the salesman, gets off the phone and launches into a story about how he was kicked by a horse in the "man parts" and may never be able to have children. I wonder if that is true... but if it's not - he's really quick on his feet!
More demo... ending with the shampooing of our carpet in the living room. I don't know if we can truly tell a difference, but this morning as I write this - it does still smell nice and lavendery. So just as he finishes the shampooing, his boss -Pat comes back. Pours the stuff from the Kirby into a glass to show us what was washed out of our carpet.
Then they launch into the hard sell. At which time, I figure out what's happening with the phone calls... because Pat immediately is like "so, I understand you're doing fertility treatments." Lovely...
From there, Pat tells us about his story of being 40 and his wife is 39 and they are "starting" (seriously?) to think about having children and he thinks they'll have some problems. Ok, at 39 - even if you were perfectly healthy - chances are it's not going to be easy to get pregnant... but whatever - he was just trying to chat us up and get us to buy the machine.
After chatting for a bit - he makes a big production of giving us a "special" deal because of our fertility treatments and all. The whole time they'd been offering us financing... and monthly payments - which we said over and over again that we wouldn't finance anything much less a vacuum cleaner.
So, before Pat gives us the final number... in a moment of brilliance... this conversation happens:
Pat: "Since you're having some financial issues with the fertility treatments, I'm going to give you a special price - but I ask that you keep this to yourself because we've sold some machines to your neighbors tonight and we don't want them to know about your special deal."
Kim: "We don't know any of our neighbors."
Pat: "This deal will hopefully fit in your budget and help Don win his trip to San Antonio. We of course also have the interest free financing option available as well."
Kim: "Have you ever heard of Dave Ramsey?"
Pat: "Are you kidding me?! Man, Don... pack it up - we're done."
Kim: Laughter
Pat: "I wish I could strangle that man sometimes! You know that Dave Ramsey isn't going to come clean your carpet, right?"
Kim: Laughter
Pat: "I have listened to some of his CD's to know what we're up against with some customers."
Kim: "It has worked well for us."
Pat: "Here is our offer."
John: "Can we have a minute to discuss this?"
Pat: "Sure, we'll wait outside."
At which time, I am able to tell John about one of his A&M Buddies that responded to my Facebook post about the salesman being in the house... Leland told me about buying one - having the wheel fall off - and no one being willing to fix it. Knowing where Leland lives - which is where these guys are based - we opted to NOT purchase.
Seriously - $1,000 for a vacuum... it better do all of those nifty cleaning tasks FOR me - and serve me a drink at the same time!
So, they come in and pack their stuff up. The literally walked out the door at about 10:30... GEEZ - the sales pitch that never ends! I can't even imagine what would have happened if they went in a house with kids - I mean who can deal with a 3 and a half hour sales pitch with kids?! I barely dealt with it...
Moral of the story? We will NEVER open the door again to anyone knocking that we're not expecting. If they are wearing a tie - they are either a religious person knocking on doors or a sales man.... neither of which am I truly prepared or equipped to deal with. Otherwise - it will be someone we're expecting... and John is not allowed to go to the door. He somehow loses his senses of reality when someone starts talking about something being free...


  1. you are a much better person than i am!!!! OMG! on a friday night, no less????

  2. Whoa! What an adventure and a fun story. I'm not sure I'd have paid attention past the first 30 minutes. I'd have shown them the areas to clean and walked away! :-)

    The nerve of the Kirby folk! :-)

  3. OH MY GOSH! I hate these things...and I'm sure you loved learning ALL that additional info about those folks right? And what steal at $1600??? WHAT? LOL! Ya'll are so silly-just give your husband a hug and say "honey...we don't invite strangers in the home okay?"

  4. We get kids selling meat out of the back of their truck about once a month. I finally say no and shut the door.

    We've only had a Kirby demonstration once. Never again. lol

  5. WTF....whoa! That free stuff carrot is costing you almost sanity and peace of mind...Jeez!


  6. I have never experienced one of those sharks, but have heard about them. I love his story about being kicked by a horse, true, I am thinking no.

  7. Some guy caught me like that last summer. I felt bad for him because he only needed one more showing and then he could be done for the day, which I later realized was probably complete BS. He was here for FOUR HOURS and the entire sales pitch was EXACTLY like yours. Then a few months ago, my husband had us caught up on the stupid water purifier pitch, and that one took 2.5 hrs. No more sales pitches for this house - no way.


  8. I would never ever ever ever pay $1600 for a vaccum.
    Unless it was gold plated, or it managed to clean my whole house, and had a never ending warranty.


  9. OK, right about now, I would welcome a vacuum salesperson. Only because the floors really need done well, and my house would scare them off eventually. :-)


  10. I can't believe you put up with that! I wouldn't have let them in the door. I have the solution to traveling salesmen, though: a very large dog who barks like mad. After my dear dog planted two very muddy paws in the middle of a woman's flowered dress in an attempt to show her some love, even the Jehovah's Witnesses skip our house now.

  11. It kills me how much those fancypants vacuums cost. We have mostly hardwood floors and it was STILL hard to get rid of the sales guy. I can't imagine spending more than about $200 of my hard-earned cash on something as un-fun as a vacuum.

  12. A $1600 vacuum cleaner? WOW.

    Thanks for the promos at my house! Lol.


  13. Happy ICLW! We had a couple of guys come do our carpets. We told them right off the bat "just so you know, we aren't buying anything. You can clean our carpets, but we are NOT spending a $1,000 on THAT!" They didn't stay as long as your guys did, but dang, they were pushy! Hope you're feeling more rested today.

  14. ICLW ~ in my experience, the "free stuff" is never quite that. your patience lasted a lot longer than mine would have!

  15. Your post made me smile! I've seen a few of those demostrations when I was a kid. They are relentless! (ICLW)

  16. least you got your house cleaned for free :)

  17. Reading this makes me so happy that I was too afraid to let the Kirby guy into the house since my husband was off at work and I didn't want to be alone in the house with a strange man. Geeze. $1000. Gimme a break.

  18. Yikes $1600for a vacuum??? You guys are so much nicer than me. I won't answer the door even if I've made eye contact while they're walking up my drive way. Sometimes I feel guilty because I know they are trying to make an honest living, but I don't even answer the phone while I'm eating dinner! Funny story though!


  19. wow, you are one patient couple! i would feel bad, but i don't think i would have any level of patience for three hours!

    glad you didn't buy...a dyson will get the job done just as nicely! :)

    happy iclw!

  20. Brilliant! I had this experience a couple of years ago. It is quite painful. ICLW

  21. I hate door to door sales people and this is going to sound terrible but I especially hate when little kids come to the door selling crap. I can never tell them no. I have bought so much stupid stupid stuff that we don't need or ever use.

  22. If it's any consolation, here's my story about letting one of those vac salesmen into my house...

    I hope the intravenous feedings of Emergen-C and antibiotics are doing the trick and you're on the road to recovery.

  23. That is insanity. I have the excuse of my Dyson to offer any Kirby people! But 10:30? Seriously!


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