This week, we have Jenn... she is a friend from our old church - a fantastic organizer, entertainer, friend, mother, sister, daughter, wife, scrapbooker, cook, and she can sew a mean dress for her daughter too. As if that isn't enough - she's also a survivor of infertility... and is going through it all over again to try to have a second child. I pray for her daily in hopes that she will be granted with another child to raise up with Kiera. So without further delay... meet Jenn:
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
Most days I can be found either designing my website, a new scrapbook page, or lately, a piece of clothing for my daughter. Although I would love to let my creative side swallow me whole, I do tend to other responsibilities! I am the CEO of My Home. My main projects include my amazing husband and my sweet two year old daughter. I enjoy feeding them delicious meals and making family memories with them. One of the perks of my job is that I get many vacation days (thanks to my hubby) and many of those are spent traveling the world (thanks to his job)! When not tending to the family, I can be found working for the Lord. I am the Executive Director of Cypress Calling Ministries which is a non-profit organization that helps mothers in need with a strong concentration on teen moms. I enjoy leading my team and helping women along the way. When I find balance between all the balls I juggle, I try and fit in a Girl's Night Out or even a Girl's Weekend with my friends. I am very social and enjoy being surrounded by those I love!
Tell us your mission/goal for your blog:
My main mission is to record my thoughts and the events of my family. I have always been one to journal and now enjoy the creativity that comes along with blogging.
Tell us about your favorite post or your best inspiration:
I love to capture the moment of a Kieraism! My daughter, Kiera, is full of funny things and there is no better post than telling a story through her eyes! My all time favorite post was the first time she held an umbrella. She thought it was a big hat and had no idea its purpose. (Here is said post - on her old blog address.)
Tell us one thing you can’t live without: (this could be animal, vegetable, or mineral – it’s up to you)
I wish I weren't so shallow and could tell you its my Bible. Unfortunately, it has a layer of dust keeping it company these days. I suppose it would be hard to live without my computer or my phone, but I could do it. Heck, I might enjoy life without it. But, what could I absolutely not live without? People! Mainly my loved ones. I am a people person. I need feedback. My love language is Quality Time and Words of Affirmation. Without people, my love tank would be empty.
Tell us something funny/interesting about you:
Hmmmm.... I am a very funny & interesting person, but now that you ask, my mind went blank! I suppose it is interesting about my daughter and her being conceived.....
Back in 2005, as I begun my infertility journey, it was discovered that I had a very large ovarian cyst (again!) and endometriosis. I couldn't continue on with the Fertility meds until I had surgery. The fall of 05 was a very gloomy time for my husband and I, as I recovered from surgery and we had to decide how aggressive we were going to be with our emotions and our wallets when it came to having a child. I distinctly remember Christmas Night in 2005, and my mom, my sister, and I were sitting around the tree amongst all the torn wrapping paper talking about the holiday. They started talking about how Christmas is for kids and we should only buy for the kids...blah blah blah! I was so mad that my anger was boiling over and tears were streaming down my face. I blurted it out: Christmas CANNOT just be for kids! What if I don't have any? Will I just miss out? I was so hurt and irritated. My sister (who has been through IVF as well, for different reasons) looked at me and said she knew how hard this all was. She told me that so much was up in the air, but I should rest in the fact that in just one year, by Christmas of 2006, I would know whether or not I was going to have a child; and if I didn't, I would probably be well on my way to adopting a baby. Either way, I would know what was going to happen. Well less than two months later we started our IVF journey (thus starting the blog) and when I found out I was pregnant in mid April, you know what the EDD was? December 25, 2006! No lie! What a gift from God Kiera has been!
Tell us how we can find you to read for ourselves: (your blog address)
www.simpsonsightings.com: The Daily Journey is where I put my day to day blog!
Pop on over to see Jenn, and read about the latest adventures at Simpson Sightings.
If you're new to my blog, but would like to get in on the fun of being one of my Friday Favorites - leave me a comment with your email address, and I'll send you over the questions to be answered. I love learning about new blogs to read, and love sharing them with my friends even more than that! We are all here to encourage one another!
Oh what a cool idea! Jenn answered the questions wonderfully! I was really able to get to know her. Great job!
I agree with PP. This is such an awesome idea! Thanks for posting this.
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