Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a 20-something SAHM to a little boy who is almost 3. Prior to his birth, I taught 2nd grade.
Tell us your mission/goal for your blog:
I initially started blogging as a way to keep track of my son's milestones, funny doings and sayings, etc. I soon wanted to branch out and start writing about myself as well. I blog primarily for my own enjoyment, but also as a way to stay in touch with the outside world.
Tell us about your favorite post or your best inspiration:
My favorite post would be one of the posts that I have done about something funny concerning my son.
Tell us one thing you can’t live without: (this could be animal, vegetable, or mineral – it’s up to you)
There are a lot of true necessities, but I would pick a computer with internet :) Sure, I can live without it, but I feel as though my quality of life is diminished!
Tell us something funny/interesting about you:
I am really good at remembering useless trivia, much like Cliff on Cheers. Hopefully slightly more accurate though :)
Tell us how we can find you to read for ourselves: (your blog address)
you can find me at www.heathershodgepodge.blogspot.com
Now scoot on over there and tell Heather "Hi!" and remember, if you have a blog and would like to get in on some of this fun - because I love to share good blogs with my friends... leave me a comment with your email address so that I can send you the survey.
Thanks for featuring me! I hope you have a wonderful staycation today.