The Rules Are:
*List 7 Things That Make You Awe-Summm!
*Pass It On To 7 Bloggers Who Are Awe-Summm!
*Be Sure To Tag Your Awe-Summm Bloggers To Let Them Know!
*Then Link Back To The Queen That Tagged You!
7 Things that make me Awe-Summm:
- The fact that I now only really have to cook on the weekends and have plenty of food for John and I to eat for the entire week!
- The fact that I have seen every episode of Saved by the Bell a bazillion and one times, but still get sucked in to watching them if I see them - same thing with Law and Order.
- The fact that I get an incredible sense of pride (in a good way) when I see John enjoying being in the Worship Team every Sunday - it's great that he gets to use his musical talents for the benefit of God.
- The fact that I love of reading and ability to get completely wrapped up in the characters.
- The fact that I walked my first 5K earlier this year... even if an unfortunate parking incident made it a 10K!
- The fact that even though I don't enjoy it most of the time - I am good at my job.
- Finally, the fact that so far - my black thumb of plant growing hasn't hit the garden... it it thriving!
7 Bloggers who are Awe-summm:
- Infertility Rocks - funny stuff, ya'll MUST check her out.
- Bariatric Babe - just getting started with her weight loss surgery journey... but love her already!
- Sauer Attitudes - a friend that just had the most beautiful baby ever!
- Sugar Mommy - a church friend that is amazing ya'll - she's super Mom - she has 4 kids under the age of 6 and her husband is working in Africa (5 weeks on/5 weeks off)
- Metamorphosis - another one just getting started on her weight loss journey.
- Simpson Sightings - a former church friend who is amazing, she finds the time to be super crafty - a great mom - a friend - and executive director for a really cool new ministry group in our area.
- Schoen Schenanigans / Double the Blessing - I couldn't choose one but these are two former church friends that are also sisters in law... and have GREAT families with really entertaining stories.
Bonus: Double the Babies, Double the Fun - my friend and former coworker, Allie cracks me up with tales of her twins... who she affectionately calls "The Animals" - they are hysterical!

Kathryn at This 'n That from on the Mountain nominated me for the Attitude of Gratitude Award. Where she described me as cute, sassy, & a lot of fun as she grabs life by the tail no matter what it throws at her. How sweet is that?!
Here are her instructions:
* Put the logo on your blog or post
* Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an an attitude of gratitude
* Link to your nominees within your post
* Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award
* Share the love & link to this post & the person who nominated you for the award
* Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude
* Put the logo on your blog or post
* Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an an attitude of gratitude
* Link to your nominees within your post
* Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award
* Share the love & link to this post & the person who nominated you for the award
* Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude
These are my 10 Attitude of Gratitude award nominees, in no particular order!
- Laurie at Adventures of Gastric Girl - she is charming, funny, and not afraid to show how grateful she is to have her life back after the help of weight loss surgery.
- Meghan at Megga Meggs - she is also a fellow cut & paste girl, and boy has she taken life by the hands over the last year... and of course she is grateful that she'll be having plastic surgery next week!
- Donna at Ride Like a Girl! - she is truly inspirational... she had weight loss surgery a year before I did - and to look at her now... she's a triathlon queen!
- Renee at Right Foot Forward - No matter what is going on in the life of her family (my real life best friend) takes an attitude of gratitude in everything she does.
- Jenn at From the Desk of a Princess - has gratitude and love pouring out of her on a daily basis... even in the worst of times she's grateful for what she has in that moment, and follows God's lead to mend the rest.
- Heather at Heather's Hodgepodge - she has taught me a lot in the little time I've known her... her zest for life and generosity is amazing.
- Heather at Heather's Roller Coaster Journey - is another lady taking life by the horns and getting her life back in so many ways with the help of weight loss surgery.
- Christi over at The Journey - shares with us a little piece of life with her family, and it is an amazing journey. She is funny and poignant... and her analogies about God's love can bring a tear to my eye.
- Jennifer at Hope Endures - I've just started getting to know Jennifer a little better, and BOY has her journey through infertility been a ride a minute. She shared the long version with me via email, and knowing that she has come through it with her faith in tact - shows just how much gratitude she has in her heart.
- Erica over at Parenthood for Me - ya'll... if you haven't read about her... you need to... she wrote a post recently about her gratitude over how her life has come full circle and her family is complete now - including a yard for her dog, Lucy. (I cried... big blubbery couldn't breathe tears over this one)
AHH. you are a doll! hugs and i love those sockies!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
ReplyDeleteAwww...shucks! Thanks for my award! I am not only honored, I am excited to have something new to blog about! Yipee!!!!