
Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It's possible that I'm feeling a bit better today - I had some bad nausea this morning and a dizzy spell or two, but for right now... I'm just freezing. I'll take it! I was allowed to drive from John's office to mine this morning - a step up... but it was touch and go for a while:

Me: "I can drive from your office to mine."
John: "Not when you're dizzy"
Me: "I drove to the doctor while dizzy."
John: "You shouldn't have."
Me: "Right, but I can drive from your office to mine."
John: "Can you promise 100% that you won't have an accident or pass out?"
Me: "No, can you?"

So, I ended up driving from his office to mine - and all is well. I didn't bounce off any cars or anything! HA!

I tried out the recipe on our other blog yesterday for Spinach & Chicken Skillet, and it was amazing. I added some white wine (I use the fake stuff even though chefs tell you not to) and fresh garlic... and the spinach was to die for! For some reason, I've become obsessed with fresh cooked spinach in the last couple of weeks - do I need iron or something?

Tonight, I'm making Baked Shrimp Scampi, Homemade Caesar Salad and Garlic Bread. I haven't put this recipe up yet because it is from another blog, and I felt bad stealing her pictures - so I'm holding off to get some of my own first.

Finally, please pray for one of my dear friends as she is going through a very hard time right now. I'm not going to put her name out there because her struggle is personal, and private. Just know that my heart aches for her, and John and I have been praying for her as well as her family in this situation for a little over a week. It doesn't seem that, God is answering our prayer quite as we had hoped - but we know that he is with them, and in time he will answer the prayers in his own way.

If you're really bored, keep reading through the next post... it'll take you through the ABC's of me...

1 comment:

  1. Loved the conversation between you and John! Too funny!

    I'm also looking forward to the baked shrimp scampi recipe! Its sounds really good!


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