
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A to Z about Me

Available: no
Age: 30
Annoyance(s): liars, cheaters
Animal: 2 dogs, Maggie & Missy and some fish
Attitude: laid back and easy going - I think

Beer: never touch the stuff
Birthday: May 16
Best feeling in world: Love
Best weather: mid 70's and sunny
Been in Love: I am
Been on stage: as little as possible
Believe in God: Absolutely (have you read much here?)
Believe in Santa: Maybe

Candy (favorite): Peanut M&Ms or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Color: purple
Chocolate/Vanilla: typically Chocolate
Chinese/Mexican: depends on the day
Cake or pie: both
Continent you want to to visit: Europe
Cheese: Yes, please.

Day or Night: mid-day (not into mornings or nights)
Dance in the rain: Sure
Dating: been there, done that
Dogs or Cats: both, I love animals in general (unless they are reptiles)

Eyes: Blue
Everyone has: An opinion
Ever failed a class?: yes

Full name: Kimberly
First thoughts waking up: Is it the weekend?
Food favorite: depends on the nationality
Friendly: of course, but shy upon first meeting
Fan of: lots of things

Greatest Fear: Snakes
Goals: Become a mother
Gum: don't really chew it anymore
Get along with your parents: Most of the time
Good luck charm: No need - I pray when I need help

Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5’ 6"
Happy: Yes
Holiday: Christmas
How do you want to die: I don't think about it, when it's my time - God will determine how

Ice Cream: Cookies in Cream or Orange Sherbet
Instrument: I don't play one
Ice cubes or crushed: Cubes

Jewelry: Wedding Ring and Watch
Job: So many answers - from 7 to 4, database manager.
Journal-writing: Isn't that the point of a blog?

Kids: None, yet.
Kickboxing or karate: Neither
Kooky: Wha?

Longest Car Ride: College Station, TX to Naples, FL (I think)
Love: Best feeling in the world
Letter: Love getting them!
Laughed so hard you cried: It happens, only wish it happened more

Milk flavor: Flavor? Milk only has one flavor...
Movies: Too many to list. I love Romantic Comedies
Music: Old Country and Worship Music...
Motion sickness: Yes
McD’s or BK: McD's, don't go often

Number of Siblings: 4
Number of Piercings: 1 in each ear
Number of Tattoos: None
Number: No clue

One wish: Same as my become a mother
One regret: None, because everything I have done has led me to where I am today

Perfect Pizza: Beef, Mushrooms and Cheese
Pepsi/Coke: Coke, only a sip here or there - rarely.
Parents still alive: Yes
Party-goer: Not really, unless it's a game-night

Quote: None come to mind right now
Question for God: Depends on the moment
Quickest at: Typically, nothing

Reason to cry: Stress, Grief
Reality TV: Not my thing
Radio Station: The Oldies Country Station
Roll your tongue in a circle: Yes

Song: Depends on the moment
Shoe size: 10
Salad Dressing: Ginger Dressing from Benihana's, Ranch, or Italian
Sushi: Love the restaurants, but eat other items
Skipped school: In college
Smoked: Tried it, but didn't like it
Skinny dipped: No
Sing well: No
Swear: Sometimes, but I try not to
Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries

Time for bed: Between 9 and 10 - Don't judge, I get up at 5!
TV Show: One Tree Hill, 24, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Bones
Time right now: 11:30, lunchtime
Train or Ship: Train, I guess

Unpredictable: No
Unique quality: I'm not sure - you'd have to ask my family and friends
Undergarments: Yes

Vacation spot: The mountains
Victorian or Country: Country, Colonial really... aren't we talking architecture?
Valuables: Wedding Ring

Weakness: Food
Which friend acts like you: No one acts exactly like me
Worst feeling: Guilt/Anger
Wanted to be a model: No, wanted to look like a model
Where do we go when we die: Heaven, or at least that's where I'm going
Worst Weather: Hot & Humid (basically 11 months of the year here)

X-Rays: Yep, just had more last Friday
Xylophone: Only played with the kid version

Year: 2009
Yellow: What?
Yesterday: Monday

Zoo animal: Anything with cute eyes... and that isn't in the reptile house!
Zebras-Black w/white or White w/black: Does it matter?

1 comment:

  1. I may have to steal this for my blog! We have a snow day today so I'm getting caught up on my blog reading!


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