
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Praying for Harper

Harper, Kelly and Scott Stamps still need the power of as many prayers as we can muster for them. Clicking on the icon above will lead you to Kelly's blog, where there are some amazing stories of wonderful people coming out to show them their love. Truly inspiring stuff - it just goes to show you what can be done if we show each other some Christ-like love.
An update from Kelly's blog says this about Harper's current condition...
We are waiting to hear from the doctor today and I will let you know what he says. Right now she is still stable but in VERY critical condition. They think she could be having heart issues. We may have a very long road ahead of us but we believe that God is going to heal our baby and He is going to use her in a very mighty way. We know God says in the Bible that when two or more agree in His name - He will answer. And we know we have 2 or 3oo,ooo people praying for us. Our prayer is that all who pray for Harper will see God's might and power and His love in the miracle we know He is going to do for us.


  1. She looks so plump and healthy it's hard to believe she's got so many problems going on... I'm praying!

  2. I'm adding her to the church prayer list, Kim. Please keep me updated!


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