
Friday, January 16, 2009

Less than Inspired

Nice, catchy blog title, right?

I am struggling through this craziness that has become my dizzy nauseated life... and it leaves me less than inspired to work or do much of anything right now. I've struggled through 5 days of work this week, and at the end of the day - I fight to keep going long enough to cook dinner for John and I... then I pretty much fall on the couch until time for bed.

Last night, I even fell asleep during my favorite show... something is seriously wrong with this picture!

This whole deal has been so strange because I don't have any warning really, just BOOM - reality check. When the dizziness comes on, I've tried everything I know to do... I've upped my fluid intake, gotten something to eat, made sure that what I was eating was primarily protein, closed my eyes and held on... you name it and I've tried it. Nothing seems to make a significant impact on bringing me clarity.

My plan is to give it a bit more time before calling the doctor back - because I've had slightly similar episodes before that last for roughly a couple of weeks then miraculously disappear. No one has ever been able to figure out what causes them or what is going on - and for all the expensive testing that has been done... you'd think by now someone would have an answer.

If I can find a few minutes this weekend in which I feel like I have both feet planted firmly on the floor... I'm going to give the treadmill a whirl. I got this really cool deal from my sister with Jillian Michaels workouts programed on it, but I haven't had an opportunity to test it out yet. I want to - really I do... but well... walking on a moving belt while you're dizzy - spells disaster, no?

Only 3 more hours until I officially have two days off... anyone know why Saturday and Sunday are the fastest 48 hours of the week?

Also - if a certain wonderful husband, were to... I don't know... read this and want to take his wife to dinner on the way home from work... he might just find himself called a HERO in my next blog post.


  1. I hope you can find some equilibrium soon! Until then, sleep it off!

  2. I love Jillian from BL. Definitely my favorite trainer because she not only works the folks, but she gets to the heart of their issues and helps them to see them too.


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