
Sunday, December 14, 2008


Seriously - I vow to start in like September next year with the shopping, decorating, and Christmas card preparations.... As soon as the retail stores get into the spirit - I'm going along with them... no more will I mock them for two months and then stress myself out from Thanksgiving to Christmas - if you can't beat them join them!

That being said - this has been another whirlwind weekend for us - cleaning ladies, baking, a party, church, a birthday celebration, wrapping gifts, shopping, writing a Christmas letter for our cards... now I just have to get them signed and hopefully mailed on Tuesday.

Somehow through it all - I am still struggling to get my system regulated into the new medications... but I'm doing my best to hang in there. I go from extremes to other extremes... nausea right into being completely light-headed... and then into severe exhaustion.

A prime example of that happened at Susan's (my sister-in-law) birthday lunch today... I started out feeling fine then ate a little and got nauseated... as we sat there I had a major sinking spell and almost couldn't keep myself awake. It was weird, but I was able to come home and sit in our big chair for a little bit and doze... then I got a few things done this evening.

I am so excited that this is a 4 day work week for me, and then I've got a few days off... it's going to be divine! I know that the time will fly by before I know it, but I'm going to do my best to relax and enjoy the time with John.

I've lost about 2 pounds since starting these new medications, but the final weird side effect is that my vision is off. I can't see much at all far away - but I'm wearing my glasses as they are needed, and hoping that it'll go away. I just wish I knew if that was more about my thyroid or if it has something to do with my blood sugars... it's not a typical symptom of the Byetta, but who knows... everything with medications is different now.

I'm off to bed now - 5AM sure comes early on Mondays!


  1. Take care Kim, enjoy your time off and remember the reason for this season is not to drive yourself insane with things that need or should be done, but to relax with family and friends and enjoy what is given to us!

  2. I hear you about the holidays but every year I vow to start early but then I go into denial that it cannot possibly be Christmas already and then I am right where I am now....still with gifts to buy and losing my mind.
    Hope your system soon gets acclimated to your meds!


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