
Sunday, November 16, 2008

One Year

Well, this has been another CRAZY busy weekend, and well - when I wasn't running around... I was sleeping. Honestly - I've napped at least twice this weekend - as this cold crud is kicking my butt again. (Swell, just in time for a busy work week!)

So the official stats for the first year are:

87 pounds lost
29.4 points lost in my BMI ratio

10 inches lost in my chest
13.5 inches in my waist
10.5 inches in my hips
2.25 inches in my neck
5 inches in my left thigh
4.25 inches in my right thigh
3.5 inches in each of my calves
4.5 inches in each bicep
2 inches in each forearm
65.5 total inches over my entire body...

And without further delay - the visual images everyone has been waiting for...


  1. Woohoo!! Congrats, Kim... you look amazing!! I love that ruffle blouse on you.

    What a year. And your healthier than ever before!

  2. WOW WOW WOW~ Kim, You look amazing!!! I am so proud of you! I hope you are proud of yourself.

  3. Girl, you are doing fantastick! I hope these pictures show you where you were and where you are now. I know you're not where you want to be pounds-wise, but look at the inches! You'll get there... You'll achieve.


  4. Kim you look amazing~!!!!! OMG! you look GREAT!!! Keep up the good work and always remain positive along your journey! - Rockett

  5. No Mother could be more proud of you than I am with the transformation thus far. You were then and are now beautiful! You can see how far you have come in a relatively short period of time with the loss. Trememdous! WOW!!!


  6. Kim, that is amazing and inspiring! Thank you for sharing it with me! Keep up the great work and the other 90 lbs will be gone before you know it.

    I saw the pictures you’ve taken for CFF. Do you do photography on the side?

    Take care and have a great week!

    Laura Trapp

  7. Outstanding job Kim! Hopefully you and John will join us in March for the B-Batt reunion.


  8. Way to go Kim! Keep up the awsome job that your doing. Shoot me an email some time to catch up. Are you going to be in Houston for the holidays?

  9. I said you LOOK GREAT!!!!! OMG Kim you have to be so proud of yourself!!!! Keep up the good work and good eating habits!!!!!


  10. I am so proud of you!!! The difference is amazing - you have come so far. I think you owe yourself a few more new outfits for what you have achieved - I'm happy to go with you and consult :)

  11. Congratulations!! Be very proud of yourself. You look Great!!


  12. You look AMAZING! What a year, huh? It's all such a whirlwind!

    Be proud of yourself and celebrate all you have accomplished!

  13. Kim, you are mentally, physically, and spiritually stronger a year after surgery. Imagine what the future holds! Congratulations! Stay the course.

  14. Great job Kim. You look TERRIFIC! Keep it up….I know that it is hard, but have faithfulness in God that he will make you strong to endure your journey. Have a great week.


  15. Kim, congratulations on all your hard work. I'm really proud of you. Keep it up, I know it must be hard.

    Dan Lahart, S.J.


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