
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another Busy Day

Whew... I'm trying to catch my breath once again. In all seriousness... it has been a great holiday weekend, but it's hard to believe that I've already burned through three days of it!

This morning, one of my cousins, who really was more like a brother growing up because we spent quite a bit of time together. Anyway, his family was 3 miles away from us for the weekend visiting his wife's sister - and they made sure to stop by with their 3 kiddos this morning before they left town.

Philip and Julie are in a lot of ways similar to John and I - at least in our Christian beliefs. Philip and Jule also tend to sit on the sidelines of family drama, like John and I... and in a lot of cases wonder what the fuss is really all about.

We got to spend a good hour chatting with them while their wonderful kids played quietly on the floor - it was lovely.

After the visit with their family, we headed out to do our weekly shopping - groceries, dog food, oil change supplies, and the like... but the dreaded Christmas season trip to Wal-Mart wasn't quite as bad as it has been in the past. We made it through with good time.

We had a couple of hours between shopping and our next scheduled event, so I made our holiday gift buying budget in order to get some serious online shopping done tomorrow... and on Monday - since it's Cyber Monday... I have yet to see any ads come through my email showing and discounts for Monday, but I've heard a lot of hype about it.

We then had set up for church tonight, since we're having church in the facilities of the church that we are hopefully merging with - we were able to do a lot of the morning prep work tonight. I took lots of pictures for our church memories, and will be doing the same in the morning as well. It's such a neat time in the history of our church - I don't want to miss documenting a single minute of it.

The vote on if we'll be going forward with the merge happens tomorrow afternoon as well, and we're all very excited about it. John and I voted last Sunday at the town hall meeting, but will be praying that God will lead the outcome of the vote to be whatever his will is for us. After this second merger - some of our friends from our other church have suggested that John and I start a church merger consulting business. HA! (Not likely... but it is funny that we'll now have gone through this process twice in a year.)

The exciting difference this time is that the pastor at our church is taking extra care to make this merger a positive thing for the members of the other church. It has truly been inspiring to hear the things that he wants to do in order to create an environment of unity, and to make sure that the members of the church don't lose any part of the history of the two congregations... and that we have special reminders of this time in our history when we became one unified body of Christ.

We're having a luncheon after our service tomorrow so that we can have the ability to start getting to know each other, and I've made our contribution to the pot luck tonight as well. So we're all ready for tomorrow - but I'm not doing a SINGLE thing tomorrow afternoon other than shopping on the internet... and maybe a nap!

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