
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Under the Wire

This is the first opportunity I've had today to turn on the computer - it's been a very busy day, but a wonderfully fun one as well. I didn't get any pictures, but I've enjoyed time with the girls - and then a hysterically fun night with our favorite friends.

I don't know what it is about the four of us hanging out together, but I've never laughed that much in my life. I guess they are truly a gift from God because no one else has ever made a simple meal of fajitas and a board game so much fun before!

We played a game called The 80's game... which brings back a lot of memories, and of course singing... which leads to jokes and laughing.

Even the 2 year old hung in there with us until 11! She is a real trooper - I've never known a 2 year old to hang in there with people playing a board game before! Of course the good thing is that our house is kid prepared - especially for kids her age! (The funny thing though is that even though our toys are really for toddlers - the 6 year olds get just as big a kick out of them.)

I'm off to bed for the night so that I can "look alive" at church in the morning!


  1. I am happy to have happened by your blog... congrats on the weight loss! I am trying to get back after a baby so its always good to see others winning the battle!

    We love board games husband and I can't wait until our little guy is big enough to join in! I can remember growing up when we lost power, all of the kids in my fam (there are 6 beside me) would end up playing monopoly by candlelight. Some of my favorite memories ever.

  2. I'll have to check out that game! I love having friends that you always feel comfortable with. It just totally rocks!


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