
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Better Days

Today has been a MUCH better day compared to yesterday. Work was absolutely better today, especially being that I feel a little bit vindicated because the problems yesterday were not really my fault. There seemed to be a lack of communication on a different level of the project than mine... so at least I have some peace of mind that I haven't been working on something in vain for the last two weeks.

Since I was hysterical mess last night - I skipped my workout, but picked back up today and even challenged myself harder... I'm a little more sore tonight after the workout, but overall feel really good about picking back up where I left off.

It makes me wonder if a 2 days then one break schedule might be the best for me... that would put me at 5 workouts for the week, and if for some reason I got in a 6th - I'd be happy with that. Basically, I'd like to push myself to workout both days on the weekend because I should have the time in most instances.

John got upset with me tonight because I've weighed myself pretty much everyday since I started working out again - which means it's only a matter of time before I start being too hard on myself again... so I'll try my best to cut back. So far my weight hasn't changed... so I'm trying to be patient with the process. It's such a hard line to walk to pay enough attention, but not get obsessed with the numbers.

Above all else - I've got to keep up with working out and hope that even if the changes in my total weight are subtle... hopefully I'll notice it in my clothes after a few weeks.

I was just told this week about my Mom's family having a big 80th birthday party for my grandmother on December 20th... and I would be so thrilled to buy my dress in an 18 or 16 or (shriek!) 14! A girl can only be diligent and pray that the hard work will pay off in the end. I do know deep down that regardless of what size my dress is - I'm still light years ahead of where I was last year.

Last year, I would have been stuck with the two or three outfit choices at The Avenue or Lane Bryant, but this year the possibilities are much more open for me. The smaller I get the more open the opportunities for shopping become... it's almost overwhelming. It makes shopping more fun, but at the same time it's weird to have new choices out there.

What I mean by that is that for the last 15 years or more of my life - I've pretty much shopped exclusively at Lane Bryant, and while that stunk - there was safety in it too. I never had options so if they didn't have what I was looking for... I didn't spend the money... now there are fewer times when I have a situation like that - so it could be easy for a girl to go nuts.

I don't know - I think sometimes change is just hard.

Okay - so as I sit here writing this post... John is playing around with his guitar... so from the peanut gallery - this is what I'm hearing:

My honey is a blogging fool...
my honey is a blogging fool...
my honey is a blogging fool...
my honey is a blogging fool...
She types like a maniac...
she types like a maniac...
she types like a maniac...
she types like a maniac...
My honey is a blogging fool.

Oh ya'll, it's never dull around here!


  1. I'm glad work was better! The clothing choices thing is blowing my mind too. I know I'm not done losing weight (BETTER NOT BE), but there's all those pretty clothes out there! And they actually LOOK good! Perhaps I could actually develop my own sense of STYLE now that I actually have choices!

    You know, I think I actually need to make a project out of that: a personal style project. I just feel lost with all these choices! Maybe in another 20-30 pounds I'll get started on actually "building a wardrobe" for the first time in my life.


  2. John makes me laugh!

    I adore shopping now, though most of it is still done on eBay due to my changing weight.

  3. Interesting..! I love shopping and I am a big Lane Bryant shopper.


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