
Saturday, September 20, 2008


Tonight I truly am exhausted, and pretty sunburned too - so I'm going to keep it short and try to rebuild some energy for church in the morning. We didn't get to have service last week because of the storm, and we're all pretty excited about getting back in the morning. John is leading worship in the morning too!

I've got lots to tell ya'll about the game, and some pictures to share too - but I'm going to save that for tomorrow - because I just don't have the energy to get the pics off the camera tonight.

An update on John's Memaw - because Kim asked and I thought I'd already written about it... but I guess not in all the craziness of the past week. (My days are still blending into one... so bare with me on that until I can get myself back to normal.)

John's grandmother came through the surgery very well, and spent the last couple of days in ICU. She was trying to get out of bed and had to have 24 hour watch from the family - or the hospital was going to put her in restraints... so John's Mom & Dad have been putting in a lot of time at the hospital helping make sure that Memaw is well taken care of.

I haven't personally seen her since the night before I went back to work - but from what I've heard she has moments of clarity and moments where she talks about completely random things... which I would think is to be expected when you've had brain surgery at 92 years old... or at any age, really.

She was moved to a regular room today, and I think started physical therapy as well - so hopefully she's on the mend again. I know that God is with her, and has really been helping her through this as only he can.

That is about all I know on her recovery - and praise God - John's parent's power came back on today... I'm so glad that his Mom doesn't have to try to get ready for work on Monday without power! Can you imagine? I know people at my office have managed this week doing it, but I certainly wouldn't want to do it!

One final note - today is Brooklyn's 1st birthday - so from Uncle John and Aunt Kim - we wish her a very Happy Birthday, and many more to come... it's hard to believe that she's already a year old... but time flies when you're having fun!


  1. I didn't know John was leading worship! I'm so ready to go back to church :) I miss everyone!

  2. If you come to cs for another game please call me! The twins and I were up on campus taking in the action and would have loved to see you. :) Don't want to put my phone # right here, but I'll email it to you later!

  3. So glad to hear that memaw is doing so well! Thanks for filling us in!


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