
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Here we are with the food journal again, things went well again today in terms of my eating, vitamins and water.

(Click to enlarge)

I did notice something disturbing that I've got to figure out how to combat. I have a compulsive urge to eat right when we get home from work... and while I'm cooking dinner. Hopefully in a couple of days, I'll be working out straight in from work so there will be a distraction. Things right now are still hectic when we get home because of other commitments.

John is also in the process of figuring out what plan he'd like to get on for his own weight loss - so I am really excited about having him on a plan again... it really does make a difference in my own plan as well. So basically - I'm going to forgive myself for any mistakes that I might make, and just do my best to continue to get back on track every day - and do a little better each day.

I'm a little worried about what it is that triggers me to want to eat the second I get home... I guess it has something psychological to do with getting home and being back in control of my surroundings... who knows?

I've been tracking my food on the last couple of days - a few small snacks might have been left out, but I'm striving to get better and better... the new version of the program allows you to have friends that can watch your food diaries - so I've got three friends on there now - Lacy, Renee, and my sister Cindy. If anyone else wants to join in the fun - email me or leave a note in your comment, and we'll get you hooked up. (If you're not someone I email with regularly you'll have to give me your screen name for dailyplate in the comment.)

This is so tough - but I'm trying, and I really want to make it all work... but I want to make sure to do it slowly enough to not shock my system entirely... in terms mainly of becoming overwhelmed (like in the past) and quitting everything. If I can get various parts working and add in a new step slowly - I think I have a better shot at success.

I know that it's always going to be a struggle - because it doesn't seem that I'm going to be one of those lucky people that gets addicted to working out... because believe me the times that I've gotten it really on track - I have felt great about the progress both physically and mentally - but something gives in about week 2 and I lose momentum.

I pray that getting everything working in the same direction will help in getting John and I both on track and moving toward our goals. I know I'm ready to move further toward our ultimate goal of having a family. It is consuming a lot of my time and thoughts lately...


  1. look at all that protein...woot! :) You'll get it...what can I do to help you with the working out part?

    PS- this thingy is making me think there is something wrong with me now...I only ate 948 out of the 1400+ calories it tells me I can eat to lose 2 pounds/wk (give or take a few for a few table spoons of cooking oil and what not) and the stuff that I ate is not anything out of the ordinary for me come I haven't been losing weight :(

  2. I can relate to wanting to eat after work... even when I have school and don't get home until 11pm, I STILL want to eat something before I climb into bed, just because I'm used to coming home and eating.

  3. Hey there! I caught up on your blogs.. yay! I'm glad you're getting back on track.. I'm working towards the same goal. I'll have to check out the daily plate!


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!