
Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor-less Day

I pretty much intended on not doing much today... and with some modifications to my original plan - it turned out to be a nice day!! We set out this morning with Renee, "K", and "L" to pick up a big girl bed for little L's birthday this week.

Apparently storage places close for holidays and lock up as tight as Fort Knox! Who knew?! So we all drove up to John's parents to turn around with no bed... sorry Renee!! We will have to go get it some other day this week, but it did give us another excuse to hang out together...

It has been SO wonderful hanging out with a couple that has so much in common with us... it's just a joy to hang out with them - and a LOT of laughing goes on during that time. Anyway, while we were on our "road trip" we decided that we might as well get something to eat... so off we went for lunch.

Renee and I are not much in the way of decision makers - so the men did the picking for us... we ended up back at the same place that Renee and I had dinner on Saturday night, but it was still good. We had a lovely meal together and of course did much more laughing!!

After all of that fun, we headed back to their place to hang out for a little while... long story short - the guys headed back out to pick up a treadmill for Renee - that wouldn't fit in their house... so they had to take it back to another place for holding until it can be sold. (Again - insert a lot more laughing!!)

We headed on home after the treadmill delivery and I've been doing laundry ever since. John's watching some football, even though the fall television season officially started back tonight with some shows... I guess we'll catch up during the week.

We are waiting to see if we'll get a bunch of rain from Gustav - certainly nothing like what the poor people of Louisiana have experienced... we've got some friends that have family in those areas that we're praying for. (Jen and Staci - we are praying for all your loved ones!) The current forecast is that it might head back south after getting into Texas - because of some high pressure system... so we might be dealing with a heavy rain event, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I've started making mental "to do" lists as this is the start of my last week off - and there is so much to get done... I need to do a little more shopping (minor stuff), get my hair cut, nails done, and go to the doctor - I decided to go ahead and go in for a check up to make sure that I have plenty of refills on the meds that I take before starting work. I am also due for my blood work to be checked again, and I don't expect to be able to get back to the doctor until around Thanksgiving when my 1 year anniversary from surgery hits. I also would like to hang out with Renee and little "L" some more... and get some rest too - since my restful days are coming to an end.

That's pretty much all that is going on in my world today - I hope that you've all enjoyed the holiday and have gotten some much needed relaxation of some sort!

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