
Friday, September 26, 2008

Full Week

My first full week at work is finished. It was good... but long! I can see so much work in my future - and places where I can truly make a huge difference in the organization. It must be a God thing because I haven't ever seen an organization where there was so much work to be done within my expertise.

I took my second round of vitamins this morning - for those monitoring my progress back to model patient. :-)

I'm getting the menu for next week completed as my first order of business tomorrow is to get the grocery shopping finished before we need to head to Brooklyn's birthday party. We've got two very special birthday parties this weekend... Brooklyn's tomorrow, and Renee's daughter's on Sunday. This will be a high volume picture weekend, for sure!

I'm really seeing the beauty of riding to work with John - not only for the speed and ease of getting to/from work... but we have some of our best talks in the car. There isn't much else to do - so it gives us a chance to focus on talking. We talked about investing in a treadmill with my first full paycheck - so in another week or so - we might be in the market... anyone that uses a treadmill regularly want to tell me the essential functions that I want to look for?


  1. Glad to hear your first full week went well! So pleased that you are not under that terrible, horrible stress you were under at your last job!

    I don't know a lot about treadmills, but check out up to what weight they support as there are so many different ones and you want for both of you to be able to use it.

  2. Kevin's is still at the can have it if you want it!!! In fact, I think he'd appreciate you taking it.

  3. hi kim.

    I use the treadmill when I go a lot, so I'd look for one that has programs to follow that increase your heart rate in accordance to your weight and height. Also, I love the cardio monitor function, where you put your fingers on monitor points and it tells you where your heart rate is at. Always like to know if I'm getting close to fat burning mode. I also like distance measurements, and caloric burn measurements. Of course the calorie thing is almost never accurate but mentally, I pretend. ;)

    good luck, and I'm glad you are getting more QT in with your love.


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