
Monday, September 8, 2008

Back in Action

It is sort of bitter-sweet going back to work after all this time, but exciting at the same time. I'm going to miss the freedom that came with my time being all my own, but will enjoy the financial benefits that come with the salary.

So, I'd planned on spending my last day of freedom in my pajamas - on the couch doing absolutely nothing other than watching a lifetime movie marathon...but that wasn't in the cards. I spent my morning out running errands with John - we went to Bed Bath & Beyond, Lowe's and to a nursery. One of the trees John planted last year died, so we wanted to get it replaced. Thank goodness for a 70% sale at the nursery!!

My email was buzzing away while we were out today, and the principal from my friend's school emailed me to come in for an interview. So off I went - the interview was at 4:15 this afternoon, and was for the kindergarten position that I've written about before. I met with 5 people at the school, and the interview went really well. They will let me know by the end of the week what they decide about the position.

In the meantime, I'm off to my new job tomorrow - I guess it wouldn't be my life if it weren't completely up in the air! What a crazy month this has been in terms of finding a job!

I'm praying that God leads me in this - and presents me with a clear message about which job would be a part of his plan for me at this time. If that is the teaching position - I pray that he'll give me the words and strength to handle the situation at the other organization with grace and humility. If the job for me is the other one - I pray that I will feel peace about that decision, and that the environment be a supportive one... very unlike the last job that I held.

More immediately, I'm praying that my transition back into the working world is as smooth as possible, and that I don't get to wiped out to enjoy the weekends when they come around. I'll be sure to let ya'll know how things went in my next post... or maybe even check in sometime during the day tomorrow if there is time.


  1. You'll be fine! Have a great first day and I'm still praying on your teaching position!

  2. Just when you think things are settled... another interview! I know you'd prefer the teaching position... I'm praying on that!


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