
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Weekend Recap

Whew, well another one has come and gone... this weekend has been a marathon, but we've enjoyed it completely.

Of course we started with Taylor's birthday party, and as promised - here are a few cute pictures... I kept it to only 5 pictures this time, but for more - you can click on our photo page link on the right of the page, and I'll get them up by tomorrow... having some technical problems with it tonight and I'm not willing to spend another hour working on it until tomorrow.

We had a luau party, and Taylor got dressed up to enjoy her party.

Brooklyn had a great time too, and as always - looked super cute!

Ryan with Brooklyn and Taylor in the pool.

The gift frenzy - thank goodness Taylor's friend didn't mind helping out!

Taylor and one of her best friends - the girls live across the street from each other and are almost inseparable!

Today we went to church, and I was asked to run the PowerPoint slides for the Worship Service and the main message portion of the service... it was a little dicey at first while I was trying to figure out how to make it all work, but I think it went fine. Now I'm ready to help whenever needed.

After church we had our friends Renee and her husband over for lunch and an afternoon of fun. We played a game called Settlers of Catan, which is sort of (not really) like Risk... it's similar in that you have to think strategy, but the concept is very different. We had a great time, and I've already gone online to play the computer based version. We love games, so it was a really good time. After we finished that game - we broke out the Wii Fit, and played with that for a little bit.
We loved having them come over and hang out with us... so hopefully we'll be able to do it again soon. Renee and I have tentative plans (tentative being that we don't know what we're going to do) to spend some time together next Saturday - because our husbands are going to the first Texas A&M football game together.

Just a little while ago, we got a call asking us to consider becoming a Growth Group (Small Group) leader this fall for our church. We are going to take this new challenge on, and I'm sure you'll be hearing about bits and pieces of how it comes about. I'm so interested to see how things work out for us, and look forward to getting to know some more people in our church family.
Prayers are going up tonight from John and I that God clearly show me where I need to be this week -as I've got to make a decision on the offer I got last week, AND the kindergarten deal is going to be on the forefront of our minds on Monday and Tuesday. I will be waiting and praying to hear from the principal in order to set up an interview for the job.

I honestly just don't feel like the Law School is where I'm going to end up, I will go if nothing else presents itself - but right now I just don't have a peace about it or clarity. I feel like something else might happen in the next couple days, and pray that my gut feeling is God giving me a glimpse at how he's going to change my life in the next few days... I'm ready to go whenever he is... even to jump completely outside of my comfort zone and start teaching without ANY sort of preparation time!! If he provides the opportunity - I'll be right there with him, praying that he gives me the words and strength to know what to do in the early days while I'm adjusting.

Thank goodness that the kids will be kindergartners and won't have much experience in knowing what school is SUPPOSED to be like!!

Stay tuned... big things are brewing this week...


  1. Kim, soooo cute! and I will be praying for you on the job front. May God show you your path soon.

  2. I'll be anxious to hear how things are going to go this week!

  3. P.S. I noticed your ticker moved!! Congratulations Kim. I'm fighting a major plateau myself. My ticker hasn't budged


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