
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Nothing but Rest

So, literally today has been a blur of naps and rest... but somehow I still don't feel great. Maybe to much sleep? Maybe... but guys - I don't know what's up with me these days. It's got to be a combination of pain meds, and who knows what else...

One of my incisions is in my belly button (forgive me if I've already said this) but my entire belly button is swollen shut... a very weird deal... but that's where most of my pain seems to be stemming from... that and my ribs.

Sometimes just breathing seems to bring on pain... but again - it could be a lot worse.

For some reason just sitting down in front of my laptop makes me dizzy right now - I've tried several times to go through the photos of the kids from yesterday and after looking at about 5 pictures - I have to stop... so it might take me a day or two to get them up on our photo site.

I'm going to keep this short for tonight because it's time for me to get back up on the couch and rest... I'm so ready to feel good enough to get out of the house again, but I don't know how soon that will happen... I'm not sure that I'm going to make it to church tomorrow which makes me sad, but I'd hate to get there and have a problem.

We got our last meal from our church friends tonight, and I've never seen John so excited! We got a mexican style soup tonight with chicken, tomatoes, cilantro, white beans and rice... and I'm telling you - John already has plans to make it again. They brought us some lime flavored tortilla chips and avocado to serve with the soup... so I'm going to have to email quickly to get her recipe for the wonderful man in my life.

We're about to watch The Sentinel, or well - John is... we'll see if I stay awake long enough to make it through the movie... but it's doubtful even with the cup of coffee I just drank...


  1. Just keep sleeping as much as your body wants to! The vision of John watching The Sentinel while you doze is a familiar one... EVERY night, we sit down to watch a show and I fall asleep with my head in Lee's lap. So comfy. :)

  2. you just had major surgery, so of course your body is hurting and adjusting and it wants to sleep to help heal itself. Let your body call the shots right now and I'll bet you are feeling lots better before you know it!


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