
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Kim's Words

Okay, after two surveys today - I thought I'd at least write a little something... we've done pretty much a lot of the same today that we did yesterday, but I am feeling TONS better. We started out the day with John threatening to take me back to the hospital, but the situation remedied itself while he was at church - and we spent the day relaxing. (keeping the health thing vague for my Dad's benefit!)

Oddly enough - they had a series of GREAT movies on TNT today... so I've pretty much relaxed with some of my old favorites - even though they've never made a "favorite movie" list of mine... but Sleepless in Seattle was on first thing this morning, followed by Titanic, and finally Pretty Woman was on... we stopped the marathon before watching Castaway and Wedding Crashers... but there is still time for Wedding Crashers as that movie cracks me up! (I love me some Vince Vaughn - he's hysterical)

The pain seems to be subsiding a tad bit today - I've only taken my pain medicine 3 times so far, which will put me at 4 or 5 doses for the day - which is down a couple from the previous days.

We just enjoyed a lovely thunderstorm, and while I wish it would have lasted longer... it was a nice relaxing addition to our afternoon... if I could have only had a massage to go with it - the day would be perfect!

I've found myself looking at tons of recipes to try out - and something has seriously happened to me in the last week - I find myself drooling over vegetables these days... and I hope that it doesn't change! I saw a recipe for a zucchini and eggplant lasagna in my Cooking Light magazine, and almost begged John to let me try it. I'll have to find a way to get some more protein into it, but I'm excited at the prospects... I really hope that getting my gallbladder out will help me get on down the road with this surgery and my results.

I've added all the recipes we cooked last week to the Kim's Cuisine blog... (let me know if you try them!!) and I've gotten some great recipes from the ladies that provided our meals for the rest of the week - so I'll get them up on the site this week as well.

As soon as I get off of the pain medications and my stomach heals up a little bit better - I'm ready to start back to working out. I might start earlier than that, but just with some lighter workouts at first. I don't want to push it to hard and slow down my recovery from surgery. I'll be sure to ask the doctor on Thursday at my follow up visit.

That's about it for me tonight - I hope you've all enjoyed the weekend, and by this time tomorrow - maybe I'll have a job!


  1. I loooove summer thunderstorms! Lee freaks out because of all the lightening, but it doesn't bother me a bit. Nothing like a good afternoon rain!

  2. Glad you are feeling better! I hate thunderstorms though. They screeeere me!


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