
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Well, guys... this one is guaranteed to be semi short tonight - we just got finished with our day... sort of. We started out at 5AM so that John could get up to his parents' part of town early in the day in order to get a hair cut.

I know - don't get me started about the hair cut situation and driving an hour to get one... but it's the only way he's satisfied, and normally it happens in conjunction with a planned trip to his parent's... so I can't complain to much about the gas... I just tag along and nag for my drug of choice (Starbucks) as a reward.

We then went and window shopped at Lowe's for a while to kill some time... headed to his parents... then off to the party - by way of a party supply store, and picking up the pizza. Nothing like last minute planning! :-) (I love you Susan!!)

The party was great... Taylor had a ball, and I'll go through the pictures tomorrow (hopefully) and post some cute shots from the day. I have to admit that my eating plan went by the wayside a bit today... BUT I did find that I am now prone to having too much sugar mentally... I've always heard people say things like - I'm sick of sugar and stuff like that... but never experienced it myself... after a small piece of cake, and a Starbucks today - I don't really want anymore sugar for a while. (tomorrow's dessert with friends will be my only exception!)

We got home around 6:30 or so and John immediately went out to get the lawn fixed up, and I picked up around the house...

My sister is arriving at about 9 with her family to spend the night... one of our other nieces, Brittany, has some soccer games in town this weekend - and they're staying with us for the night... then back off to the soccer field bright and early in the morning.

After church tomorrow, we're having some friends over for lunch... so after all that fun - I'm sure John and I are going to want to sit and veg out tomorrow evening for a while and just relax after a weekend of non-stop fun!! Isn't it funny how you can get the most tired spending time with those you love?

So I hope that you're all doing well, and I'll catch you in the morning - I've got to eat something before my sister comes!

1 comment:

  1. Dang, girl! I'm tired after a weekend and I'm often not half as busy as you are! Sounds like a great time thought!


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