
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ask & Receive

Jenn noticed that I'd been neglecting my scrap booking habit - so today - I spent the afternoon up in the craft room working on some projects. I hadn't gotten around to scrapping for most of the summer, so I had projects dating back to Mother's Day... my birthday... my trip to Midland, and finally Staci's going away party.

I still need to work on my baptism, John's birthday, and the Hawkins Family "vacation"... and order pictures to scrap my trip to Tennessee and Taylor's birthday.

Without further delay... here are the pictures of the projects I completed today: (click any of them for a larger view)

Anyone notice that I messed this up and put the "A" upside down? DOH!

That's it for scrapping for today - I'll write another post about my job drama!


  1. I love your scrapbooking stuff! I'm not creative enough in that way to do it well, so I love looking at the pages of those who can do it well!

  2. Those look awesome..
    I really like the last one..but maybe I a little bias ;)

  3. Good to see you scrapping again. IT is a great stress reliever and you need a little of that right now.
    I liked your pages! You are very good.


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!