Thursday, May 1, 2008

Emotional Wreck

Well, first things first... I went to the doctor this morning, but there was a slight miscommunication and they hadn't gotten all my blood work back yet. My thyroid is much better - it's in the normal range. So that is good, but my blood pressure is slightly elevated... so back on medicine I go for that.

He wasn't sure what to make of the dizziness - he doesn't have the blood work to see if it's vitamin related at this point... and he didn't think it was dehydration. But he said that it could be vertigo... and gave me some medicine for that. If the medicine doesn't help - he said that he'd like me to go back to the neurologist and see if it's a seizure of some type. Only time will tell, but we're looking into it and will get to the bottom of it.

In other news - I was laid off this morning. Apparently, they are having to cut a bunch of positions at my office and mine was eliminated. I know that deep down it's a blessing, BUT that doesn't make it any less of a shock... emotionally or financially. So, I'm reeling a little bit from all of the news of today.

I did get a good severance package... and I know I wasn't a big fan of my job... but it's going to take me a day or so to process through the emotions of it all. It's sort of unreal at this point... I am at home now and don't have to go back... except one time next week to get all my stuff. They told me to go ahead and take the rest of today and tomorrow - and come back next week to meet with my bosses and tell them what projects I had going. (yeah sure... I'll help them) Then spend all my time focusing on finding another job.

So far they've cut two other people from our office this morning - but no one knows if they're finished or not. They have a staff meeting at 4 to discuss all the changes... so far my friend Hope is still there, so she's keeping me updated about what's happening... I'll post more as I get it figured out.


  1. Oh, Kim! I pray that God will be made evident in your finances with this change. And yes, it IS a blessing. I'm glad you won't have to endure your boss' meanness on a daily basis anymore. You didn't deserve it!

    I'm sorry the doctor didn't give you any definitive cause for the dizzyness. Seizures?? NOW I'm reminded of Melting Mama. I PRAY that's not the issue! Even the bp meds could help.

    I'm praying for you today. I know the news about work was a shock, despite the fact you've wanted to leave.

  2. Ya know, I have to say in all honesty, that the laying off is probably a huge blessing. Tell me to shut up if I told you this story, but back in 2001, I had worked in Corporate America hell for 12 years. 12 years! And I hated it. I hated every position I held there, hated the nature of the business, all of it, but the pay and the benefits kept me there. Then in 2001, they downsized me along with about 700 other people. I had a six month severence package, but I was still absolutely LIVID for about 24 hours. The day after losing my job, I drove to my church and sat in the sanctuary alone and just pleaded to God to take the anger from my heart. As I prayed, the big ball of fury that was literally planted in my chest dissolved and I found peace. I have never looked back since that day. In 12 years, the best thing that company ever did for me was to let me go.

    I know it is a shock now, but God is flinging open windows for you, have no doubt! This is all just part of his plan unrolling for you, so just go with the flow, girl, and see where he is taking you!

    As for the seizures, I'm not buying into that one yet and I think that was a little scary for the doc to put out there just yet when they don't have all your labs back. I would think to rule out little things first, and then move onto bigger issues. But you're right, they'll get to the bottom of it!

    Love and prayers!

  3. Kim...I know for the most part words are fairly inadequate right now but I am praying for you none the less. God will reveal His plan for you in His own time, meanwhile keep your chin up and know that His plan for you is infinitely better than any plan you could have for yourself. XoXo, Jil

  4. Kim, love...I am so sorry I didn't get to read this sooner.

    I know that this is a rough season...all I know is that God works ALL things together for the good of those who love him...even these icky things.

    We'll keep this seizure thing in the middle of our prayers, and we'll trust our Jesus togther.

  5. Kim, love...I am so sorry I didn't get to read this sooner.

    I know that this is a rough season...all I know is that God works ALL things together for the good of those who love him...even these icky things.

    We'll keep this seizure thing in the middle of our prayers, and we'll trust our Jesus togther.


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