I can't believe that the weekend has come and gone... and I'm back at work already. I spent all day today working on researching one project, but it did make the afternoon seem to move fairly quickly. That was a nice surprise.
I'm probably going to keep it short for today because I really just need some time to go home and veg with the hubs. I will do my Bible reading, and make a 1/2 pot of soup mostly for me to freeze for future meals.
My father-in-law makes the most amazing (or he gets the credit - but John's the only one that has made it for me) vegetable beef soup, and I thought that it would be something easy to make and freeze. I meant to make it yesterday, but it didn't happen because I totally fell asleep after church and woke up about the time that I needed to pull myself together for our small group... so we're having it for dinner tonight.
I'm really pretty indecisive when it comes to food - so I'm taking full credit for planning tonight's dinner... John and I tend to have an every other day rotation with this because he gets tired of planning our meals every night... and I just sit there with a blank stare on my face when I get asked what we're having.
I hope that everyone is having a good week so far... a special shout out to "the other" Kim - as she's having her surgery tomorrow morning, and we'll be praying for her in a post tomorrow. She's going to do great, although I'll miss her comments and things on the blog while she's recovering! See ya on the other side, Girly... big things are coming your way!
Thank you, sweetie! I'm still surprisingly calm, which is weird...as this is me we're talking about! Keep the prayers coming as I think that is so much of what is bringing the peace!